Chapter 2 The problem with the hammock

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After my conversation with Ethan I went upstairs to start getting ready for our party. I showerd , did my hair in soft curls, and put makeup on as well as my party outfit.

 I showerd , did my hair in soft curls, and put makeup on as well as my party outfit

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I took one last look in the mirror and knew exactly what my dad was going to say when he sees me

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I took one last look in the mirror and knew exactly what my dad was going to say when he sees me. I dressed a little different , feeling like I'm 16 now I should be allowed to change my look and wear makeup. So what ?

I mean it's not that I'm breaking all rules and looking like a stripper or anything ( even though my dad would think so ). I'm just showing a bit more skin than usual, my dress is shorter and I may have put on more makeup than just foundation... but , I think I looks great and it suits me and I really think Henry would like it.

Not that I'm dressing for him, because you shouldn't dress for a guy you should dress for yourself. But , I just really want to impress him tonight . I don't even care about the other guys coming tonight, as long as Henry's here I know I'll have a great birthday. Wow, I'm cheesy , I sound just like mom.

I walked out my room and down the stairs slowly. Like one of those moments in movies where the beautiful girl walks down the staircase and sudden silience fills the room as all eyes were on her. Well that was exactly what was happening right now, and at the bottom of the staircase Henry and Xander just came in from the kitchen as they stopped in their tracks acknowledging me.

"Wow..." Henry breathed out as he quickly coverd it with a fake cough remembering Xander next to him. As all I could do was blush at his reaction.

"Yeah... let's go get the drinks ready Hen. I don't want to be around for this trainwreck when my dad sees this." Xander said as they left the room.

Really ? That's his reaction? I put a lot of effort into my appearance and I think I look pretty good. Trainwreck? Really ? I hardly think dad would have a problem with this.

That thought barely slipped my mind as mom and dad walked in as they took in my appearance.

"Mia Amber Tatum what the hell are you wearing ?!" Dad shouted at me. I immediatly flinched. I never heard dad angry before . Mostly because there never in my whole 16 years of existence were any reason for him to get mad at me.

" birthday slash party outfit." I awnserd in a soft tone. I didn't even bother lying or using a snappy or sarcastic tone like my  brothers do. Because that only makes dad angrier, which I've learned by now having 4 snappy and sarcastic brothers who always seems to get into trouble.

"No, I'm not letting my daughter walk around a house filled with hormonal teenage boys looking like a sl-"

"Beautiful." Mom cut dad off but even though she did I already knew what dad was going to say.

Dad just gave mom a glare as she did the same. It was like they were fighting but without words.

After a long extremly awkward silience for me dad let out a sigh.

"Fine. I'll make an exeption just this once but I don't want you near any guy looking like that. Understood ?"

"Yes dad." I said as he exited the room and I bowed my head in dissapointment. Now, how am I going to impress Henry if I'm not allowed to be near any guys ?

"For the record, I think you look beautiful sweetheart." Mom said giving me a kiss on my head as she walked out too.

In a matter of minutes our house was filled with people. Some of them I knew , others were strangers to me.

I awkwardly walked around not knowing what to do since I'm not allowed to even look at any guy. Which by the way is extremely difficult because this party basically consists out of guys , all Xanders' friends.

Some eyed me as others looked at me funny as if I wasn't wearing anything while they gave me a smirk.

No wonder dad wants me to stay away from these weirdos.

As I walked back to the kitchen for another  drink my phone went off indicating I had a message. I unlocked my phone and a smile immediatly appeared on my face as I saw Henry's name.

Hey, can you meet me next to the pool? There's something I have to tell you...😶❤

I immediatly blushed. Was he finally going to confess his love to me?

I rushed out the kitchen not wanting him to wait any longer as I bumped into someone. Of course it's Ethan,

"Hey, where are you running off to Speedy Gonzales?"

"N-no where." I said trying to shove past him, but being the nosy brother that he is, stopped me.

"Wait a minute...dressed You're  meeting up with Henry aren't you !"

"Yeah, maybe...but please be quite, just...cover me ?"

"Sure , okay ?"

I couldn't leave quiker as I was too excited to meet up with Henry.

What ? He's  my first real crush who liked me back.

As I stepped outside it was way quiter than inside. That explains why he wanted to meet here, it's way more private and peaceful.

"Hello?! Henry?" I shouted after not seeing him as a site caught my eye. Next to the pool in the hammock was someone.

I walked forward seeing Henry lying there as I immediatly let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

For a second there I thought this was a trap or something.

As I walked even closer I saw Henry's face all bloody and messed up. I ran to him as I tried shaking him awake, but he seems to be unconscious.

"I'll get help." I whisperd to him as I stepped back taking in the state he was in. Just as I took a step back arms wrapped around me and some rag or something was pushed against my mouth muffeling my screams. As everything started spinning and then went pitch black.

I know , not the best.  I'm starting a little rough on this but I promise it gets better . Please stick around,  I'd appreciate it ❤❤

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