Chapter 14 Home

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(Alex's POV)

"Tell me where my daughter is !" I shouted as my grip tightend around Trevor's neck.

"Please dont hurt him !" Rachel yelled from the corner . I gave Chris a nod as he put the cloth over her mouth shutting her up.


I should've done that from the beginning.

I turned back to Trevor gripping him even tighter as he struggled to breath .

"Just tell me where my daughter is and maybe...I'll spare your life."

"And...why...would...I...rat out son?" He said between breaths.

"I'll tell you why." I said bringing him closer to me "because if you don't, I'll kill that worthless little witch you call your wife infront of you before doing the same with the others , until your ready to talk "

"You're ...bluffing ...!"

"Am I ?" I look back at Chris giving him the signal as he takes out his knife.

I look back at Trevor seeing fear clear in his eyes as I look back at Chris showing him to do it.

As Chris lifts his hand up Trevor shouts from behind .

"Okay! Stop! "

I lift my hand showing Chris to wait as I turn back to him.

" ready to talk ?"

He glances back at Rachel as Chris gives him a warning glare that says 'try me'. He then turns back to me take a gulp and shake his head yes.

I release my grip around his neck letting him fall to the ground with a thump, as I take a seat across from him.

"Talk I'm waiting ."

I can't believe this scumbag ratted his own son out . Pathetic! 

But I'm glad he's so weak and did otherwise I wouldn't  have known where Mia was.

"Chris , you lead the team going after Austin . Henry you go and search the house for Mia ."

They all nod at my command as they pull their masks down over their heads. As I wait back at the base for their return. 

After the longest 20 min of my life I see my crew running out of the house with a limp Mia in Henry's arms.

I look down at Mia and back at Henry as he says

"I'm so sorry I had to,  she came in while we were beating Austin and she tried running . So it was the only way ..." I  watched him as I saw regret in his eyes. I could tell he didn't mean to drug her but knew it was for the best.

"It's alright.  The only thing that matters now is that I have my baby girl back and safe."

I turned around making my way to Chris while Henry lifted Mia into the car.

"Chris. Austin? "

"We beaten him pretty bad probably broke a few things and then we drugged him. I won't think he'll wake up soon or at all. And even if he does he won't  survive long with those major injuries. "


I made my way back to the car climbing in the back lifting my little girl onto my lap , as I examined her face.

She looked so broken . I've never seen her like this.

She's pale , skinner than usual and she has light bruises over her face .

Anger takes over as I look at my little girl in this condition.

This time I'll keep her safe even if it's the last thing I do.

(Mia's POV)
*the next day*

"She looks so bad ..." I hear someone whisper.

"Yeah... she's gonna be okay though right dad ?" Another voice whispers

" I hope so son." The third voice whispers.

After a moment of silence I hear a door close and I fearfully open my eyes not knowing what to expect.

Slowly peaking one eye open I look around seeing darkness.  Feeling next to me I feel a lamp switch switching it on as tears stream down my face as I look around.

I'm in my room.

My old room.

My real room.

I pinch myself hoping this isn't a dream as more tears spill out of my eyes as I realize it isn't. 

I'm really home.

Not wanting to wait any longer I climb out of my bed running downstairs seeing my family and engolving them in a hug.

"Mom!" I cry as I hug my mom first as she cries on my shoulder .

I turned around seeing all my  brothers lined up infront of me . Oh,  how I've missed them.

"What?  No hug for your favorite twin? " Xander says with a smirk that I've missed so much.

"Your my only twin you idiot. " I say as I hug him and moving on to the rest of my brothers.

After my hugging shesh I turned back to mom

"Where's Lexi ? I've missed her most of all."

"She's in her room . Been there since you went missing . She refuses to leave ."

I nod as I quietly make my way up.

Knocking on her door I hear her faint voice saying

"Go away. I no wanna talk ."

Slowly I opened the door peaking my head in saying

"Not even with me ?"

She turns around and runs to me as I pick her up.

"Mia ! You really here ? I'm not dreaming again? "

I laugh at her cuteness as I set her back down.

"Yes Lex , I'm really here ."

She motions for me to come down to her level ,as I do she whispers in my ear.

"Good. I was starting to go cwazy with all dese brothers running around ."

I laugh as we make our way downstairs for dinner . A family dinner .

A real one , with people you love .

I look around at my family , uncle Chris and Henry sitting around the table.

Smiling I take my seat next to Xander .

I'm home .

What did you think ? It's not my best but I have a little surprise in stock for you all😱

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