Chapter 23 guess what?

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I started to shake as fear took over my body.  I gulped trying to think what to do? 

He came closer , circling me like a hungry vulture looking down at it's prey - and in a lot of ways that was very accurate and true - while I stood still , not moving a muscle , too afraid of what will happen if I do  .

"I see you've gained some weight ."  He said matter - of - factly as if I didn't know that already. 

"Um ... yeah well ... I am pregnant so..." I said barely above a whisper , looking down at the floor .

He gripped my chin hard and forced me to look up into his  blazing eyes. 

"You know I could let you get locked up for child abduction right ? " he snarled in my face as anger seeped through him. 

"Child abduction?  What are you talking about Austin ? "

"I'm talking about you , stealing my heir ." He said pointing to my tummy

"Excuse me !? Your heir !? This is my child just as much as yours ! "

My head snapped to the side as his hand made contact with my cheek making it sting , and probably red . He slapped me !

"Shut up ! Don't you dare raise your voice at me again you lazy cow ! This is my child and I will do whatever I please with it , you hear me !? "

A tear started to roll down my cheek as I thought about him taking my little jellybean and me never seeing them again . I wish I knew what to do . But I have no idea anymore. 

Staying silent means I'm planning something , defending myself gets me beaten,  so what am I supposed to do ?

"Answer me !" He roared in my face making me shake in my boots , literary. 

"Y-yes Austin ..."

"Good . You have an appointment with our doctor tomorrow I want to know exactly when I'll have my heir . And you'll report back to me after the appointment.  If you don't you'll have to face the consequences.  "

Their doctor,  as in their gang doctor,  as in a male examining me ? I don't like this one bit . Chances are he isn't  qualified either , he's probably some butcher they've found on the street. 

I only gave him a nod as I was too  afraid if I said anything he'll explode again .

He then nod his head towards the stairs as I made my way up slowly and carefully .

When I reached the top I wasn't sure if I should  go to our bedroom or the guest . The guest probably I don't want to be near him for aslong as I can .

I sat on the bed , thinking about what just happend downstairs - my hand resting on my plump belly - this is such a mess ...

"What are you doing?"

My eyes shifted up as I saw Austin standing in the doorframe with a ... what is that ? a confused look ?

"I'm just taking a breather before dinner . Sorry ..."

"No , I mean in here . What are you doing in here ? "

"Oh ... um I didn't know if I should stay here or -"

"No , you'll stay in my bedroom . I want you as close to me as possible incase you try to escape again . And don't get any ideas this isn't permanent and doesn't mean anything . And before you come up with any stupid ideas , don't.  I'm going to be working from home until my heir is born , so I can keep an eye on you . "

"Oh , okay ... "

I stood up as  I made my way across the hall dreading each step .

I just came from the doctor and it was so weird having a dirty old man touching me , examining me , eyeing me like a piece of meat . But,  it's over and done with .

I'm standing outside Austin's office door deciding should I knock or just walk in ?

Knock , definitly don't want him ripping my head off about that too. 

"Enter ."

He shouted from the other side as I turned the knob with a shakey hand .

He briefly looked up from his laptop making eye contact before continuing. 

"Sit . " he orderd

Sit ? Um ... okay ?

I took a seat across from him not knowing what to do . This was all too weird and all new to me .

"Talk . " he ordered again like commanding a dog to sit and speak .

I took in a breath , calming myself as I begun ;

"Um ... the doctor said the baby's healthy,  no sign of any sickness or anything to worry about . He says the baby is quite small but not abnormally small , just tiny which means it has a high chance of being born premature.  I'm about 8 months which gives me about a month but he said we can prepare for anytime from now for it to be born . Thats it ... " i ended in a shakey breath thinking over if I mentioned everything. 

He just looked up at me , watching me intently if I'm telling the truth.  And then just mumbled an "okay "

I sat still in my spot waiting for him to say something else , but he didn't.  He just carried on with who knows what .

"You're excused. "

"What? "

"You can leave now " he said not once looking up again .

I walked back to "our" room thinking - I do that a lot lately - but stopped my rushing thoughts,  not wanting to stress or get anxiety that could hurt my jellybean .

I'd do anything for my jellybean . I'd die if it ment they could live . Heck , I'll even stay here with Austin and get beaten for the rest of my life if it ment I could see my jellybean grow up and have the best life possible . 

Austin may be cruel and vicious and heartless,  but deep down I believe that he'll do anything for our jellybean to have the best life possible . I have to believe . I have to hope . Thats all I have left ...

It's passed midnight and I'm still rolling around in bed , I can't sleep  and I don't know why .

Austin hasn't come up yet but then again he's probably in the  guestroom with some flirt or fell asleep at his desk . I'm hoping its the lateral.

Getting up , I slip my slippers on and threw my robe on. As I walked down the hall a cold breeze blew right through me making me shudder . I clutched my rode tighter around my body as I walked down the steps .

When I made it to his office I decided to just walk in , what's the use knocking at this hour right ?

And surprise surprise there he was and guess what ?

That's it what do you think?  Leave me your thoughts in the comment section ✌

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