Chapter 22 Miss me ?

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It's been 3 days . 3 fricking days !

I mean I've lasted longer but still , 3 days !?

I've been here patiently waiting for him to come back since that day but he never returned . Each day so far a maid has come up - 3 times a day - to give me something to eat and drink  (knowing he'll get nothing if I'm dead or starved ) but it was ... edible I guess . Nothing to forfill my cravings for cheespuffs and pickles but atleast some veggies and protein .

I've come to befriend Nadia - the maid - she's my only friend here . And everyday when she brings my food she stays for a while and chat with me telling me whats going on etc . She's really nice . She even snuck in some dessert for me last night when I told her about my raving craving for chocolate ice- cream .

It's about lunch time - judging by  all the men filling into the house, they always eat lunch here - so Nadia should be up any second now .

The turning of a key breaks me from the window as I see Nadia enter with a broad smile and a tray of food . She sets it next to me  as I took in the heavenly smell of a chicken and mayo with bacon croissant . It's been so long that I've eaten one of these it's been my ultimate favorite since I was 12 .

She started cutting it up and feeding it to me - since my hands are still tied up - as she briefed me on what's going on .

"So , I heard Mr Atkinson today on the phone . He talked for quite some time . I think your father finally paid the ransom money, because he got really excited and said he'll tell his secretary to send him his bank details.  I think you're finally going home Mia !"

I smiled as a tear fell down my cheek.  Home . I'm finally going home . Back to my mom , dad , and Henry .

She gave me a sympathetic smile and leaned in to hug me - even though I couldn't hug back - it was the most comforting hug I've felt in a long time. 

As she pulled back she reached into her apron pocket  and took out a small tub of chocolate  mousse.  My mouth started watering just by looking at it .

Nadia left 10 minutes ago and I'm staring out the window again watching all the men leave again . There's nothing much to do than stare out the window or at the ceiling. 

Instead I decided a nap was  in order.  After my delicious meal and dessert , a nap sounded just great .

I was woken up by a tap on my shoulder . Fluttering my eyes open I rubbed my eyes .

Wait .

I rubbed my eyes .

I looked up seeing my arms freed and Mr Atkinson standing before me with a big smile .

"Well guess it's your lucky day . Your ransom has been paid and the car is waiting outside to pick you up . Nice doing business with you Miss Mia ."

I didn't even reply as I leaped up as fast as I could making my way downstairs seeing Nadia waiting for me .

I immediately engolved her in a hug as she gave me a warm hug whispering in my ear ;

" Be safe Mia , and don't ever forget about me ."

"I won't , I promise.  Thank you for everything ."

With that we said our goodbye's as I climbed into the backseat of the Jeep . I smiled at the new unfamiliar driver as he set off to my home .

"So ... you new ?"

He quickly looked  at me through the rear- view mirror -making eye contact - as he replied .

"Yeah , started a while ago ."

"Oh . Why haven't I seen you around ? I mean I pretty much know all of my dad's men? "

He stayed silent for a while and then answerd  ,

"Don't know."

I decide not to bug him anymore and just leave it there but I mean you got to admit , it is strange that my dad sent the new guy to pick me up and not Uncle Chris , Henry , Xander or even himself.  But I guess something came up again . Something always comes up .

The car ride was silent as it began to grow darker as night approached.  It was getting a lot more difficult to see where we were going but the stars brought me so much comfort .

They were like little wishes in the sky ready to be picked and granted . They held so much hope and power and a lot of  times I've thought that they resembled me perfectly .

My thoughts slowly began to drift silent as my eyes drooped closed .

I was woken up by bright yellow lights shining through the window  . Slowly sitting up in the back seat I see we're at a gas station.  He's outside filling up the tank while talking on the phone . I couldn't quite hear what he was saying but guessed he was talking to my dad .

After he'd finished he opened the trunk taking something out . He then opened my door - much to my surprise - and handed me a pillow and blanket to cover myself .

I took it gratefully as I covered myself while he started the engine. 

"Um ... how far are we ?"

He looked down at his watch and replied ;" about 2 hours . If you'd like I'll wake you when we get there , that way you can sleep for a little while more ."

I nod as I laid back down . He's starting to warm up to me , I think.  He seems less cold than when he picked me up , I mean he gave me a pillow and blanket and is being nicer to me . I think we're going to be great friends .


" Mia !" Someone whisperd as I opened my eyes coming face -to - face with him . I sat up and wrapped myself in the blanket as I  mumbled a "mhm "

"We're here ."

Getting excited I got a new surge of energy running through my body. I was finally home !

I rushed out of the car - as much as a pregnant woman can- and burst through the front door .

It's then that my heart dropped all the way down to the earth's core . As I was now standing face - to - face with Austin .

"Welcome home you tramp , you're pretty happy to be back. Miss me ?"

What did you think !???!!!???

Is it a surprise or did you pretty much expected this ! Let me know . I need to advance in my writing and not get worse so please tell me your thoughts in the comment section and votes ❤❤

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