Chapter 10 Seal my fate

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I did it . I cant believe i actually did it. I look down at what i just did as i took in a deep breath . I closed my eyes as thoughts ran through my head .

What am I going to do ? What am I going to do with this now ? I already know this is going to cause a lot of trouble for me.

This changes everything.

I rush back to the bathroom and rinse my hands hoping ,actually wishing to wash this problem away. But soap and water can only fix the outside of my problem leaving no sign of what I did, but not the actual problem. But I sure wished that I could wash this away.

I took in another deep breath going back to the source of my problem. I once again just stared at it as I thought on what to do next.

Hide the evidence? Throw away the object used ? Run and hope no-one knows it's me ?

All possible next steps running through my head like a speeding train. I closed my eyes for what feels like the millionth time in the past 10 minutes. But this time I keep them closed. The darkness surrounding me is way better than the mess before me.

How did it come to this ? My parents raised me right ? So how , did it come to this ? I once again opened my eyes ready to seal my fate.


No,no this can't be. How ? I mean I know how but why ? Isn't it bad enough I was forced to marry and live with him? Now I'm forced to carry his child !?

No. I won't let him get this baby. I won't let him reject and disrespect  this child like he does with me. I don't care that this baby has a part of him in them, they also have a part of me and I'm their mother. I will protect this baby from this cruel and messed up family of his. I have to leave. I have to get out of here. For the sake of this baby.

I looked down at my none existent bump and letting my hand rest on it, rubbing it slowly.

"Don't worry I'll get us out of here. I won't let him hurt you too. It doesnt matter that you're his, you're mine and I'm going to save you from him and his messed up family.  I love you,my little jelly bean."

I said as I noticed tears rolling down my cheeks. I quickly wiped it off. Get yourself together Mia. If you want to leave and get out of here, you have to get a grip and not show him any reason for you to leave.

I quickly threw the test in the bathroom dustbin covering it up with some dirty t-shirt of his that's been lying there for as long as I can remember. This guy really needs to do his laundry.

I slowly and as normally as I usually would walked back to my room to pack my things. Okay what do I need ? Clothes,food, toiletries ... I won't be coming back anyway so no need to leave any of my things behind right ?

I shoved it all in a duffelbag as quickly as I could before Au-

"Going somewhere ?" His voice spoke from behind me making my blood run cold from fear.

"N-n-no" I cleared my throat regaining my courage. "No, just cleaning up a bit. I don't like to live in a pigsty like some people." I said obviously referring to him.

He just gave me an arched brow as he came even closer "You sure ? Because I think you have something of mine ?"

"And what would I possibly have that belongs to you ? In case you weren't paying attention let me remind you, that I don't like you. So why in the world would I have something that belongs to you ?"

"I don't know..." He said as he dug in his pocket taking something out "maybe because of this. " I swear my heart stopped right there as he held the test. What?  How ? I couldn't muster any words. I probably looked like a fish gasping for air.

Seeing as I didn't respond he continued.

"You see, Mia.  My mom called and said she's coming over tomorrow. So , I figured I should clean my room. Because knowing my mom, she would do a  thorough house check to see if you're a good wife and cleans. But since, you moved to the guest room my room was left untouched. Long story short, when I went to pick up all my dirty clothes in the bathroom I found your little surprise too."

He stepped closer. He was so close I could feel his breath on my face. "Little tip,  if you want to hide something, don't hide it in the person your hiding it from's room." He stepped back and observed my still stiff posture.

"" I had no words. He took a seat on my bed leaning against the headboard with his hands behind his head. "You know...i was starting to think you were worthless. I mean I can't have any fun with you. I was actually considering telling my father tomorrow that this isn't working out he should just kill you and get it over with. But , seeing as you're now carrying my future heir to my could I possibly endanger his little life ?"

He finished with a smirk I wished I could wipe off right now.

"P-please ...Austin..."

"Oh, you don't even have to ask sweetheart. " He stood up and caressed my cheek as another tear fell down . "I'll take good care of you...more than you ever were ..."

He then placed a kiss on my head making it burn where he left it . The way he said he would take care of me just made me even more worried of what's to come.

"Im sorry baby...I failed you..." I said as I sanked to my knees crying after he left.

What did you think? 

Sorry you had to wait 5 days for an update but i had to built the suspense somehow .

Anyway what do think will happen next ?

What will mia do now ?

Leave a comment and a vote my lovelies ❤

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