Chapter 18 was it worth it ?

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"You know You've changed him right?"

"Changed him ? Changed him how ?" I ask my idiot brother as he chomps down on a pretzel, clearly completely ignoring me by his lack of reaction to my question .

You can't just make a statement like that and leave it there .

" to Xander " I say waving my hand in front of his face , trying to get his attention again .

"Huh ? Oh , yeah. I don't know it's just he's... different you know ?"

"Um , actually I don't know , that's why I'm asking you ."

The sound of him eating or crunching to be exact ,a bag of chips filled the annoying silience as I waited for him to reply , again.

"Seriously! Put the damn food down and answer my question ! You're being really rude you know that? "

"Okay , okay I'm sorry sheesh . As I was saying , he's just been happier . I know he tries to hide it and put on his poker face when working but I can see the joy in his eyes , if that makes sense ? I can see he tries not to show it because we have an image to protect but he really loves you Mia,  like a lot . And as much as it kills me to say this , and trust me, it does , I'm happy for you two ."

I raise my brow showing him i don't believe him . I mean he's my twin brother for goodness sake I know him better than anyone so I can see right through him .

"What ? I mean it . Seriously. I'm really happy for you two but promise me one thing sis ?"

"Yeah ?"

"Don't break his heart ."

I almost chocked on my gummy bears as he said that . Is he being serious right now ? He's telling me , he's twin sister , not to hurt his bestfriend ? I can't even process what is happening right now . Isn't it supposed to be the other way around ? I mean you would think he would be telling Henry not to break his sister's heart because that's a normal brotherly reaction right ? But nooooooo not my brother . Typical ...

"Okayyyy , judging by your face and silience I'm guessing that's not what you wanted to hear ? "

" 'Not what I wanted to hear ?' Xander are you being for real right now ? You really think that your bestfriend  , the soon to be gang member , strongest  person I know ,needs more protecting than you're 16 year old , pregnant baby sister !? I can't,  I can't deal with you right now. "

I said what I had to and I left , okay more like stromed out,  but either way I left the room .

I made my way to my room lying down on my bed , snuggling with Mr Sprinkels . He's my gaint teddy bear.  Henry won it for me at the fair and named him Mr Sprinkels because I was craving sprinkels that day , like ,on everything .

Holding Mr Sprinkels I couldn't help but think of Henry . He's been so nice and sweet and super supportive through out this whole thing and I ... well I've been a pain . I've been super cranky , moody,  whinny and every other emotion . But he stuck by me , never giving up or getting mad at me .

It's times like this when I just sit and think about everything that I realize how lucky I really am . I mean sure I was kidnapped , forced into an illegal marriage , forced to have my kidnappers child , but hey ! I'm back with my family,  I'm safe and loved , I'm dating Henry and things could've turned out way worse .

I open my eyes realizing I've dozed off . Turning on my side to look at my alarm clock I see it's 5:45pm , Ive been asleep for 3 hours . A good productive 3 hours I might add .

Sitting up I decide to take a shower before dinner , because I'm a mess . I mean I look like a fricking cave woman . A pregnant cave woman to be exact , which makes it even worse .

After my shower I don't feel like dressing up again . I mean would you ? Cause I certainly don't feel like pouring myself into jeans or a dress . If I'm being completely honest , the way I feel right now , staying in just my underwear sounds way more appealing right now than an actual outift .

But , being the respectful daughter I am towards my dad and all his members downstairs , I decided on a long T dress and a messy bun . That's as good as it's going to get right now .

A knock on my door distracts me from my thoughts as I answer with a "come in " . A musky smell fills my nose as I immediatly know it's Henry .

He wraps his strong arms around me from behind , envolping me in his warmth as he whispers into my ear ,

"Hey beautiful,  what've you been up to ?" 

I smile as his breath fans my neck as he talks , sending shivers down my spine.  If only he knew the effect he had on me ...

Turning around in his arms as to face him , I give him a warm smile which he returns in a heartbeat. 

"Nothin much and you ?"

His face suddenly turns serious making me nervous.  He lifts his brow as if silently questioning me but than speaks up .

"You sure ? Cause I just saw Xander and he's not lookin too good . Asked him what's up , he just grumbled something about you . Know anything about that ?"

Sighing I realised I had to tell him about our fight . I mean not that I had a choice really , Xander had already thrown me to the wolves , as if it was my fault we were fighting  .

"Well , that's Xander all right "

"Really ? You're taking his side now !? You know you're all the same ! The lot of you ! "

"Mia , baby -" he tried to reach for me but I was already upset . I should've known he would take his bestfriends side. 

I mean what was I expecting really? For him to say ' I don't need his protection , I can fight for myself . He should be protecting you '?

Okay ,maybe a piece of me wanted to hear that , to hear someone say that . But did it happen?  No .

So I walked to the room next door,  the baby's room , locking the door behind me , my back gliding down the door as I sat behind the closed door with my knees against my chest, as tears started making an appearence on my cheeks .

Was getting rescued really worth it ?

Hello to all my lovies I'm sorry yet again,  I'm not going to make up a bunch if excuses but rather give you a heads up . Im starting my exams in two days so then updates will be cut short for a while 😟 but rest assured,  I will come back after my exams with a whole lot of new ideas to my stories . Hope you enjoyed this long chapter. Remember to  leave me a comment and a vote to show me your love and support.  ❤❤❤

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