Chapter 5 Hold on

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(Alex's POV)


"What do you mean disabled ?!" Tiffany franticilly shouted as I frustatedly pounded my fist on the desk.

"I cant believe...that bast-"
"What's going on Alex ?"
"Yeah dad ?"

Everyone looked at me. I mean how do I tell them that the only way of us finding Mia isn't even a possibility anymore?

"Um...they...I mean, some how the tracking device in Mia's necklace got disabled."

"What ?!"

They all shouted at the same time. I had no doubt that the person who took Tiffany a few years back was behind this. They are way smarter than I rememberd...I mean how did they even know she had a tracking device on her ?

"So, what do we do now dad ?" Xander asked as I brushed my hand through my hair trying to think of a solution.

"To be completely honest son, I have no idea. That tracking device was our only hope in finding Mia."

"No! You can't give up, you have to find my baby before...before they..." Tiffany broke down in tears. I could see this was way too much for her to handle.

It brought back the memories of what she went through.

Through the years she started to remember some things from that event where she got kidnapped but only bits and pieces. And all I wish I could do was hold her and take all that pain away.

"Mason , why don't you take mom and Lexi upstairs and keep an eye on them for me ?"


As they left I turned to my 3 eldest sons , we need to figure this out.

"Dad ?" Jayce asked as I gave him a nod showing him to continue "When you told us what happend to mom, and how you rescued her ?"

"Yes ?"

"Wouldn't they keep Mia at the same place you found mom ?"

"Well...I don't think they'll be that stupid but , it's a start. We'll go there first thing tomorrow morning. Now go get rest, all of you. We leave  4 am sharp and hopefully catch them off guard."

"Yes dad " They all said in unison as they left the room. I sat back in my chair with my head between my hands as I noticed Xander didn't leave. He came closer and gave me a pat on my back and said "Don't worry dad ,we'll find her ." And with those words he left too.


4 am sharp the boys were all up and ready. I gave Tiffany a kiss on her head before doing the same with Lexi and Mason. They needed to stay here I didn't want to upset them even more.

I left a note next to Tiffany's phone saying me and the boys are meeting up with my men to discuss strategies so she won't worry about us.

I walked downstairs seeing my boys all lined up and ready to go . I felt so proud.

"Okay boys , my men are going on stand by incase they try anything but we'll be the ones going inside to check the place out ." They all gave me a nod as we went to the warehouse.


My men coverd all the exits as the boys and I went inside. Oddly enough it was just as quite as the time I was here with Tiffany, which gave me an even bad feeling about this.

"North side clear." Xander said as he made his way to me.

"South side clear." Ethan said as he did the same.

"East side clear." Jayce said also coming in.

"Crap! Another dead end." I said as the whole place was empty without any sign of life.

As we were about to leave an image flashed against the wall as I then first noticed the projector hanging from the ceiling.

We froze in our spots as a man's face came up on the screen.

"I knew this would be the first place you'd look." The man said

"Who are you and where is my daughter ?!"

"Oh, how rude of me I'm Trevor and this is ..." he motioned for someone to come to him and as they did my mouth hung open at who I was seeing.


"Oh , hi Alex long time no see."

What? What was Rachel, my ex doing with this maniac who is trying to hurt my family ? I thought we talked everything out 16 years ago ...

"What are you-" I was cut off by Trevor.

"Rachel and I...let's just say,we'll take good care of your daughter...almost like if she were our own."  He said and gave a smirk I wished I could wipe off right now .

"No! You leave Mia alone. She has nothing to do with this. This is between you and me Trevor"

"Oh, but that's where your wrong Alexander. You took my daughter from me , so now I'm taking yours."

"No! I swear Trevor I'll kill every last one of yo-" I didn't even finish my sentence as the image disappeared. I turned around seeing Xander , Ethan and Jayce all with a surprised look not knowing what to do. But, that's when my leadership and overprotective side kicked in.

"Xander , call your uncle Chris and tell him to track where that video came from. Ethan, get that projector down and look for any trace of  something we can use like a tracker or something. Jayce , check the place for camera's there must've been a way he saw us here."

They all gave me a nod as they went off.

I'll find you Mia, just hold on.

Will they find Mia or will they end up at another dead end ?

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