Chapter 16 the awkward conversations

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(Mia's POV)

"So father... he um... told me about ... you know ..."

" me being pregnant? "

"Yeah ..."

"Yeah I know . But mom just so you know I was never in love with Austin infact he treated me horrible and I hated him , I still do ."

"Yes honey , I know . They're some very bad people who did some very bad things , especially to this family . And I understand that this is upsetting to you even more so after what you've been through. But I want to tell you how proud I am of you and how strong you've kept yourself ." Mom embraced me in a bear hug , not that I'm complaining ,I missed her hugs so much. But she's just not acting herself . Like I know she thinks she's hiding it pretty well but I know my mother better than that.

"Thanks mom . So ... was there something else you wanted to talk about ?"

Obviously there was something else she wanted to talk about . She wouldn't bring up the pregnancy if she didn't want to talk about it in the first place .

"Yeah ... um so ... the baby ... what are you going to do ?" She looked so nervous and uncomfortable saying that while I was already getting worked up .

"What do you mean ' what are you going to do ?' I'm not giving up this baby mom ! How can you even expect no , ask me that ? I know this may be Austin's but I love this baby . And I'll keep loving it no matter who and what their father is . Because mom , if it wasn't for this baby I wouldn't have been so strong. I wouldn't have stuck it out. I wouldn't even be alive right now . So please mom . Dont ever say or ask such a thing cause this may not be ideal but it's the best thing that ever happend to me!"

okay... I guess that was a bit drastic and over dramatic but how can my mom even ask such a question ? Of course I was keeping the baby and I can't believe she thought I wouldnt .

"Well... then I'm very happy for you sweety . We'll all love and support you and this baby no matter what. " although it sounded forced I knew she ment it and that's all that matterd.

"Hey Xander , have you seen Henry around I really need to talk to him? "

"Yeah, he's on the couch playing X-box with Ethan "


I really needed to talk to Henry. Not because my circumstances has changed but also we didn't really get to have that conversation last time know.

"Hey Ethan , can I have a minute alone with Henry please ?"

"Yeah sure ."

I walked awkwardly to the couch kind of stalling. I didn't know what to do , how to act or how to start this conversation .

"So , how's things with my dad and your position in the gang ? Any news when you take over? " this was the only thing I could think off . Really? I'm so stupid .

"Oh yeah, no everything's going great. I've been learning some new skills and really been working my way up . Your dad said if I keep it up I might be taking my dad's position by the end of July so yeah it's great. And you, how have you been ? You know giving what you been through?"

"Me ? Oh I'm great thanks ..." this was the hardest and most difficult conversation I've ever had with Henry.

"Great ...great ..." we sat in an awkward silence after that not one knowing how to start this awkward conversation.

"Listen Mia , about what happend and us . I need to tell you something this , this that's happend to you it -"

Here it comes. I knew this would happen . He's going to reject me . I squint my eyes close waiting for him to continue

"-it changes nothing. Mia look at me ." Slowly I lift my head and open my eyes so that I'm looking at him , and what I expected to be fear or disgust is love in his eyes.

"Mia , I still love you. I've never stopped loving you . And you being pregnant doesn't change anything. I still love you . And if you let me , I still want to be in your life and maybe... in the baby's life too..."

This was a lot to process . I mean technically I can be with Henry because apparently my "marriage" with Austin is broken because of forced and illegal marriage of a minor. So I don't have to worry about that. But does he know what he's letting himself in on ? I mean I don't want him to feel obligated to be with me or be a father even if it isn't his . I would never expect that from anyone , especially Henry.

"Mia , say something..."

"Henry, I love you too and I always have . And this is really sweet and all but I don't want you to be tied down because of me . You should go live your life , be young. I don't want you to be tied down for the rest of your life to me ."

"But Mia , I want to . I love you and I'm not 'tied down' I'm loving and supporting you . And if that means being a father or even a father figure than I'll do it with all my heart. For you. Because I love you!"

It's from there that I had no words. What was I suppose to say to that ? Thanks wouldn't suffice. So I did what any hormonal teenage girl does . I cried and it was tears of joy ...

Here's another update guys ❤ sorry for the delay you know school and such ... hope you enjoyed it. Comment and Vote ❤❤

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