Chapter 21 Seriously!?

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I woke up with a pounding headache.  I flutterd my eyes open and immediately closed them from the brightness of the room . Slowly this time I opened one eye at a time to adjust to the harsh sun .

Looking around I see I'm in a room , it's an empty room with one window with bars , and a door across from me , it looks dirty and old , probably rigidity as well .

That's when my eyes moved below me . I'm on a bed.  An old wooden , unstable bed with one small wool blanket that's also dirty and what seems to be... dried blood ...


Swallowing the vommit in my mouth I tried to wipe my mouth - even though there's nothing there - but  I couldn't move my hands . That's when my eyes trailed up to the bed's headboard . I'm tied up , tied to the bed . But why ?

As silly and weird  as I am I wiggled my feet to feel if they're  free or tied up ( since it's an impossible task to see them anymore ) and to my astonishment they're not tied . I could freely move them but not leave . Great .

My mind started to cloud with all sorts of questions starting with where I am and ending with who the hell is behind this ?

A clearing of a throat makes me lift my head seeing my imprisoner . And let me tell you he's a lot older than I thought he would be . Don't young guys usually kidnap girls and imprison them for their own need and pleasure? 

Guess not .

As instinct I tried curling myself up against the headboard as much as possible - which is not a lot considering my hands are tied and my swollen belly is in the way - to get away from him .

"I mean you no harm Mia ." He said in an old raspy voice like his throat was burnt from too much alcohol or something .

"Really !? No harm!? You fricken kidnapped me ! Tied me up , and is holding me hostage !" I spat angrily. 

Yup , my mom's  feistyness and dad's anger is not a good combination when combined with crazy , out of wack , pregnancy hormones .

"If you don't calm down I might mean you harm . You hear me ? " he simply said while I just rolled my eyes.  Pff yeah... whatever .

He stayed silent observing me like I'm an animal on display at a show or something , making me feel super uncomfortable. 

"Are you going to tell me your plan or not ?" I deadpanned

"Plan ? What plan ? Oh yes! My plan..."

Is he old or just plain stupid ? There's no way he's the brain of this opperation .

I rolled my eyes as I brought my knees down again , getting as comfortable as I can .

Haven't been in enough sticky stituations like this I've come to learn there's always a backstory with these guys .

It all goes the same . They tell me about something the do or posses that was taken away by a) my dad or b) my mom , which lead me to being in this situation.  But judging by his demeanor there's no way my mom was acquainted with him. So this is probably about my dad .

"You see, I'm the sole owner of Jim incorporated. My father built it up from the ground and passed it onto me . We were ranked #1 in the west coast , made hundreds of deliveries a day across the country things couldn't have gone better -"

" hate to interrupt you but what does your successful company have to do with me or my parents? "
"- you see that's where your dad comes in . A few months back he approaced me saying he had a business offer I couldn't refuse.  Intrigued I listened to what he had to offer . And it was a pretty good deal . As you know your dad is particularly well known in the ... illegal field so it came as no surprise when he wanted to make use of my services.  He said if I sent out 50 of his 'special deliveries ' everyday I could get a cut in that.  The numbers didn't lie it could generate even better success for my company and the future of it . So I agreed.  Made the first few deliveries , got my cut until ... your dad found a better offer . A better investment . He dropped me like a burnt piece of toast left to fed for myself . Left to drown . Left going bankrupt . And it's all his fault . If he hadn't backed out I would still have my flourishing business and enough money for generations to come . "

"Uhuh , cute story, but if your business was doing as successful as you said , why did it go bankrupt ?"

"Because it was doing so well and your father gave me so much hope for the future of it that I closed the business to all other members . And when I tried to reopen they all found someone better , newer leaving me in the dust . "

"Well than that's your own stupid fault ..." I mumbled to myself .

Really he's been a business owner for what ? 30 + years ? And he made the most stupid decision any businessman can make. 

Tsk tsk it's not true what they say, with age doesn't necessarily come wisdom

"So , I'll keep you until your daddy dearest pays enough ransom money for me to start over somewhere else . Hope you're comfortable princess we both know how stingy your father is ."

With that he left the room . Really ? Another depressed weirdo after my dad and his money. 

You know what Ive come to realize just now ?

Why do all the revenge seeking criminals come after me ? Why not Xander ? Okay ... Xander could probably handle himself in a situation like this ( unlike me ) and my other brothers as well ... and poor little Lexi wouldnt survive ... nevertheless it's very unfair .

Even if Xander and Ethan could handle this type of situation.  It still would be kind of nice if they were considerd for this position.  I mean seriously!? Why me !?

Hope you enjoyed.  Look out for the next chapter coming soon it'll be a game changer , hopefully 😂. Send me your love through votes ❤❤

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