Chapter 29 Astronaut

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*flashback to 12 years back *
* 6 year old Austin POV *

"Daddy !" I ran to the stranger at our front door with open arms .

I've never really seen my daddy in real life but I have seen pictures of him that Aunt Lydia showed me . So when I saw him at the door talking to Aunt Lydia I knew it was him . I can't believe it !

I wrapped my arms around his legs - I'm still too short to reach any higher than that , plus my daddy's really tall - and I hugged him with all my might. 

But , he just kicked  me off of his leg,  making me slide across the room into the side table . I started to cry as I rubbed my head - that I bumped - getting back up .

I slowly made my way back to my daddy .

He probably didn't know it was me . I mean I've changed a lot since I was a baby . I'm a big boy now. 

"Daddy ? " I said in a soft whisper. 

" I am not your father.  You are nothing of mine !" He shouted rather loudly in my face making me step back , a little scared .

"B-but daddy ..." I said through tears,  though I tried to stay tough.

" don't EVER call me that again ! You're too weak and jejune to even call me that ! "

I let out a whimper as I coward backwards , almost tripping over my feet . Tears started to fall out of my eyes again but I kept on hoping that this was a misterunderstanding . I heard Aunt Lydia use that big word a lot.

I took small steps forward , lifting my head high up , looking into my daddy's dark brown eyes .

"Daddy , it's me , Austin . Don't you remember me ? "

"What did I just say boy !? Don't call me that ! I don't know you and I am NOT your father.  You hear me !? " I put my hand on my cheek , feeling it warm and sting.  My daddy just hit me ...

I looked back at him with  pleading eyes , seeing him not looking at me. Why doesn't he remember me ?

I looked to Aunt Lydia seeing her mouth an ' I'm sorry ' as she looked back down to her toes .

I looked back at my daddy one last time before I ran upstairs to my room , crying when the door shut .

Why doesn't my daddy love me ? Why doesn't he know who I am ?

The door creaked open and I knew it was Aunt Lydia , who else would it be ?

She took a seat next to me , lifting my head to lay it on her lap . She gently stroked through my hair as I cried into her lap .

"It's okay Austin,  he probably just had a bad day . Your daddy knows who you are , and he loves you very much . I promise . " She said in her soothing , mothering tone . She always did know how to make me feel better .

I lifted my head up , seeing her smile as I smiled back at her .

I sat up crossing my legs; "Aunt Lydia , do you think I'll be a daddy someday ? "

She just laughed a gentle laugh as she took my tiny hands in hers .

"Yes Austin, and you'll be an amazing daddy . You  have so much love to give , you'll be the best . "

"Promise ? "

"I promise ." She then hugged me really tight while I thought how I'd be when I grow up .

Will I be married to a pretty girl , Becky from next door maybe ? Will we have a big fancy house ? With a pool ? Will I become an astronaut? 

So many things I wanted to know , but 1 thing I was definitly certain of , when I become a dad ,  I will never be like my daddy.  I will  love them so much and tuck them in at night , read them stories,  take him to play outside . I'll be the best daddy in the whole world .

As I kept thinking I started to get tired.  I gave a big yawn as I stretched my legs out and fell asleep .

Well that's the flashback sorry it's shorter than a chapter but it's a little glimpse into his past . Hope you enjoyed ❤

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