Chapter 32 at 7

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I make my way downstairs,  it's about 6 pm now and I just put Bella down again . She's been a handful today , but luckily for me Austin's been in his office the whole day so I had time to regroup before dinner .

I walked into the kitchen seeing him sit at the island with Chinese food .

I awkwardly sat next to him as  he looked up from his food , acknowledging me .

"I asked Jake to pick up some Chinese food for us . I figured you wouldn't feel like cooking after today . I hope you eat Chinese food . "

"Yeah . Thanks . " I replied as I went on opening my chop sticks .

We sat there in awkward silience , eating our food , not one knowing what to say . I guess to a bystander we would look like one of those old tv films . No sound , no emotion , just ... dull.

"Um , Mia ? "

"Yeah ? " I replied - not taking my eyes off of my food -

"Um ... I um ... was wondering...- " he fumbled over his words. 

"Yeah ? "

"Could you maybe tell me a bit about her ?" He said in a whisper , almost to himself. 

"What?  " I asked as I turned my gaze to him , observing him .

He looked nervous, at a loss for words and I had absolutely no idea why.

I watched him close his eyes,  taking in a deep breath before starting again .

"I was wondering if you could tell me about her?  "

"Why didn't you just say so " I laughed at his cute worriment

"I don't know , I guess after I left this morning I had a lot of time to think.  And I guess I'm finally ready to step up and be a dad . I know it took me 6 days even though I had 9 months to prepare but ,it finally sunk in and I'm ready . So could you tell me about her ? "

I watched as his eyes started to sparkle and worry was still clearly visible .

I could tell he ment it and that he was ready , but he was also worried he'll fail her and be like his father. 

I stood up and walked out . I looked back seeing him stare behind me confused .

"You coming or what ? " I asked with a smile .

His eyes shifted confused but was soon lit up with a big smile as he followed me up the stairs .

I slowly pushed the door open - not to make a sound - as I made my way towards the crib seeing her awake .

(Austin's POV )
I stood behind Mia - keeping my distance - as she approaced the crib .

On the outside I seemed calm but on the inside I was freaking out . I'm scared to death ! Not of her , but of myself .

I don't want to turn out like my father and I can't bare to loose Mia .

The time I spent in my office today was mostly spent thinking about everything.  I sat there the whole day thinking and realised that I can't loose her . I can't loose Mia .

She's the  only one who stuck by me when I was spiraling out if control.  She's the only one who saw beyond my dark and scary mask ,and made me drop it . She endured me .

"Come here " Mia's voice breaks my nervous thoughts as I stepped closer seeing the most tiny little human I have ever seen .

Subconsciously a smile made it's way up my face as I watch her look up at me in anticipation. 

How could I have ever hated such an adorable little girl ?

"You can pick her up if you'd like to " Mia's words rang through my ears

"Yeah ? " I asked to make sure she was serious.  She smiled back as she nod her head .

I bent forward picking her up . Her small body laying in my arm , her toes not even making it to the bent of my elbow . She was so tiny  .

I stared down at her as I observed every feature of her .

She had Mia's nose . Her pink lips and the hint of pink in her cheeks lead me to believe they're just like Mia's because mine weren't pink . But she definitly had my lip shape and a head full of dark hair like mine . She was absolutely beautiful. 

I lifted my finger to stroke her cheek , as  her little hand wrapped around my index finger . I smiled a big smile at her cuteness while she let out a yawn .

Looking down at her , I inwardly awed at her amazing slightliness .  She was truly precious and I already feel a connection towards her .

I put her back in the crib too afraid that I will get even softer if I hold her any  longer . I love her too much already , and that can be very dangerous. 

"What's her name ? " I asked Mia as I turned back to her - putting my hands in my pockets -

"Arabella . "

"Arabella." I tested it out on my tongue . "I love it , it's beautiful.  She's beautiful. " I replied honestly getting a huge smile from Mia in return .

"I know . She's amazing . " she stated proudly as she glanced over to a giggling Arabella.

I stared a moment off into space as I thought what my next step is going to be - scratching the back of my neck nervously - I raked up enough courage to do it .

"Mia , would you like to have dinner with me tommorow night ? "

"Sure what do you want me to make ? " she replied as she threw a blanket over Arabella .

"No . I mean , as a date . With me . "

I watched as she turned around with an unreadble look on her face .

"Nevermind . That was a stupid idea . I'm sorry . Let's just forget about it . " I said as I made my way to the door .

How could I be so foolish?

Of course she wouldnt want to go on a date with me . She hates me .

"Austin wait ! "

I stopped dead in my tracks as a slight bit of hopefulness remerged .

"Yeah ? "

"I'd love to . " she replied with a big smile which I could tell was genuine. 

I walked up to her , engolving her in a hug . We stood like that for what felt like forever,  before I let go.

"Be ready at 7 . " I said with a huge grin as I exited the room .

Well this didn't turn out like I hoped . I kind of struggled with this chapter . But , here it is . It's done . It's out . I hope you enjoyed . Leave me your thoughts in the comment section below ❤❤❤

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