Chapter 15 See you soon...

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(Austin's POV)
(Yes it's long awaited)

What ? What's going on? 

Slowly I lift my head taking in my surroundings. My memories coming back in slow flashes.

Lifting my hand up I can already feel the bump forming on the back of my head where they've knocked me out.

And as if an anvel was dropped on my head realization hits me .



They took her.

" damn it !" I slam my fist against the ground

All the time and strategy it took to get her this far and they  think they can just come and waltz in taking her from me.

I stood up  taking in the state my office is now in .

I have to get her back . That witch stole my heir and she's not going to get away with this.

I'm going to find her and this time I'm not playing anymore. She'll pay for leaving me .

Even if it's the last thing I'll do .

"Well find  her ! If you idiots can't do your job I'll just make it easier so you don't have to do anything at all , ever again . So get off  your lazy , worthless asses and get me her !" I shout into the phone before slamming it down on the table.

Ive been searching for her for over an hour and I know that doesn't sound like a lot of time , but to me it is.

I should've found her already . And to make matter worse my parents' M.I.A. I've been trying to reach them but I can't. 

And all I can think about is how she's free running around probably with some guy while she's still married to me.

Pushing that thought out I try to calm myself .

"I'll find her" . I reassure myself "and when I do she'll be sorry that's a promise."

I pick up my phone dialing her number.

Of course,


Taking in a breath I say it

"Hi my little wifey hope you enjoy your little reunited moment, it won't last long. I'm coming back to take what's mine . See you soon..." I say as I end the call .

Yeah,  see you soon...

I know it's short and not the best but I felt I had to give a bit of Austin's side but now it just seems like a filler . But hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.  Leave me a comment and vote ❤

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