Chapter 4 Good girl

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(Mia's POV)

I woke up with a massive headache as I suddenly remembered what happend. Me meeting up with Henry, seeing him unconscious, being picked up and then... oh my gosh! I was... was I? Was I kidnapped?

I immediatly looked around and found myself in a room, a bedroom to be exact. This doesn't seem like a kidnapping...

As that thought left my mind the door opened and a man probably maybe dad's age walked in as I scooted against the headboard in fear.

"Sleep well?" He asked as he set a tray of food next to me.

I just stayed silient as he came closer  and brushed a loose strand of hair away from my eyes.

"My, my you look just like your mother..."  I flinched under his touch as he spoke, but remained silient.

"Not much of a talker are we ?" He asked as a women entered the room.

"Well, that's a good thing. Then she won't yell and protest like her mother did."

"M-my mother?" I asked uncertain what they were talking about.

"Oh , look she does know how to open that pretty little mouth of hers." The woman said.

"Now, Rachel let's not be hostile...yet. We'll tell her our plan and if she doesn't co-opperate we'll leave the hostility to Austin."

"Fine, but he can't have all the fun." The woman who I've learned is named Rachel said.

"Oh, we'll have our fun, patience is key my dear." The man said with a sly smile as I feared for my life.

I didn't bother trying or saying anything because what can I do ? I have never been in such a situation nor have I even heard or seen other people in such situations. In case you haven't guessed it yet, I was very excluded from the world out there. Dad barely let me go outside and do anything(now I know why) so, I don't really know much.

"Here."  The man said handing me a small black box

"W-what is it ?" I asked

"It's a bomb," Rachel said with sarcasm as I just looked at her."it's a ring you idiot what else?" She said as I opened it seeing it was indeed a ring.

It was small and dainty.  With little diamonds around one big diamond in the middle . It was very beautiful and looked very expensive.

"Put it on." The man said as I gave him a confused look.

"Just put it on!" Rachel shouted at me as the man tried to calm her down as he sighed and spoke to me in a soft tone

"Just , please put it on. I'll explain everything after you've put it on."

I oblidged wanting to know why I am here , and I mean it's just a ring what harm can that do right ?

"Thank you, now all you need to know is...I'm Trevor and this is my wife Rachel. As you may have noticed we're...not one of the good guys so you can say. Long story short, your father did something to us and now we're doing something to him i.e. taking his daughter. You are to marry our son Austin without any questions asked and not fight against this. You seem like a smart enough girl not to try anything for I'm certain you know the outcome."

"W-why me?"

"Well obviously your younger sister is too young to marry our 18 year old son, and you only have other brothers so... you were the logic choice. Plus... let's just say this was long planned for you to marry our son."

"B-but, I-I don't want to, I mean I'm inlove with someone else." I said through tears immediatly thinking of Henry.

"Well too bad cupcake. Your here to stay whether you like it or not so better get used to it. You'll meet our son tommorow and marry him the day after tommorow. And so you won't try anything like your mother did you are strictly prohibited from taking that ring off, not that you could if you wanted to. It's now locked around your finger and only Austin can unlock it , so the sooner you get used to this the better ." Trevor said getting up with Rachel as they both walked out the room and locking it behind them.

What happend to the nice Trevor? And what did dad do to make Trevor so mad ? But, they'll find me right? I mean dad wouldn't give up on me...right?

I fiddled with my ring trying to pry it off, but they were right it was no use it was stuck. How did I end up here? In this position? I've never done anything wrong, I've always been a good girl, so why me ?

Hi to all my lovely readers . Hope you enjoyed this filler. Give me your thoughts.

Do you think Austin is just like his parents ?

Will Alex and Tiffany find her in time ?

Or will Mia find a way to break out ?

Remember to show me your love and Comment and Vote ❤❤

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