Chapter 3 It says...

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(3rd person's POV)

After not seeing Henry for quite some time now Xander decided to go look for him. Knowing Henry, Xander thought he might be with some girl making out so he checked all their rooms first. Nothing.

After not knowing where else he could be he gave up and assumed he must've left.

After a while the noise got too much for Xander and he decided to step outside and take a breather. But, what happend next not even Xander knew how to react to.

He saw Henry's unconscious, bloody, messed up body lying in the hammock. His first reaction was to check if he was still breathing and to his luck he was.

As he tried to pick Henry up to get help, a note fell from Henry's lap.

You thought I'd give up that easy ? I'm taking back what's mine.

Not knowing what it ment he immediatly took it to his dad - who was in his office.- 

He knocked on the door, not wanting to walk into yet another make out setion of his parents'

"Yes ?" Alex answerd as Xander came walking in as Tiffany got off Alex's lap and onto a chair beside him.

"Um... I was looking for Henry and when I found him...he was all bloody and unconsious and... I, found this note next to him."

He handed the note to Alex as Alex read it over and over again when his fists connected with the desk, making Tiffany flinch.

"What is it dad ? What's going on ?"

"Where's your sister?" Was Alex's only response.

"I think Lexi just went up to be-"

"No! Mia, where is she ?!" Alex roared before he stormed out his office making his way through the crowd, still not seeing his daughter.

He got frustrated not finding her so, he  shut the party  down as everyone left in a hurry and in fear.

"Dad? What's going on ?" Xander tried once more as Alex took his seat behind the desk again, while Tiffany tried to calm him down.

Alex let out a sigh as he told Xander everything. From their mom being kidnapped before they were born , to the part where the only thing he knew was that someone wanted Mia for revenge.

"That bast-"

"Xander Luke Tatum don't you dare cuss!"

"Yes, mom."

He let out a sigh as no-one knew what to do and just sat there in silience until Ethan walked in.

"Woah , what's with all the long faces ? Cheer up people there's a party going on...or  I thought there was."

No-one said a word as Ethan just sat there in an awkward silience.

"Hey! Come on cheer up. No-one's dead." Ethan tried again unaware of what's going on and that , that might be a possibility.

"One word, just one more word Ethan and I'll-"

"Xander," Tiffany warned a furious Xander

"Ok, sheesh." Ethan put his hands up in surrender.

"Tiffany , I think you should call Mason and Jayce so we can work this out. Leave Lexi, I don't want to upset her  me and the boys will handle this." Alex spoke up.

Tiffany nodded and went to get Mason and Jayce. After they were all there Alex retold the story to everyone, and explained the situation. They were all silient until a wave of anger and frustration broke out.

Unaware that Lexi had a bad dream and went downstairs only to hear everything. She started crying as they noticed her and immediatly knew she heard everything.

"What's wrong baby ?" Tiffany asked picking her up.

"No! She can't be gone...she...can't leave me in a house full of icky boys..."
She said through tears as she already lifted everyone elses mood with her cuteness.

"Hey! We're your brothers and I believe we keep your life interesting." Ethan shot back.

And just for a moment they all calmed down and felt better, but it was just a moment until silience broke out again. No-one knew what to do until Jayce spoke up.

"Doesn't she have a necklace like ours with a tracking device ?"

Everyone was stunned and looked at Jayce in awe. He rarely said anything if ever. He's always quite and keeps to himself. And the one time he says something it's something usefull and clever. Something no-one else thought of.

They all scatterd around Alex's office getting everything to track Mia ,as her location icon came on the screen

"It says..."

Well I hoped you liked the chapter. I've never really written in the 3rd person before and it was a little difficult and diffrent for me. But I think I got it.

Give me your thoughts on the chapter and remember to Comment and Vote ❤❤

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