Chapter 33 light hearted

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(Mia's POV)

I still can't believe what happend . I mean one second we were full on lashing out at eachother and the next I agreed to go on a date with him .

Standing infront of the mirror,  looking at my ironed dress, face full of make up and life , and  curls laying softly on my shoulder ; I contemplate whether or not I've made the right decision. 

I know a break away from everything,  just me and Austin would do us the world's good but , I don't know if I'm quite ready yet to leave Arabella behind .

Not that I'm saying I don't trust Lydia to watch her - I'm sure she has way more experience than I'll ever have - but I think I'll miss her too much.  Worry about her too much.  I already know it .

Staring back at my reflection in the mirror,  I didn't see myself. 

I saw someone older , more mature , a little broken but hiding it pretty well .

Seeing myself all made up like this , reminded me of the night of my sixteenth birthday . The night of my kidnapping . That was the last time I was all dressed up like this , and it brought painful memories back .

Closing my eyes tight , I took a deep breath -calming myself - as a lonely tear rolled over my cheek. 

A warm hand reached out and touched my shoulder as I turned around coming face - to - face  with a smiling Lydia .

Feeling stupid and childish for crying I quickly wiped the tear that fell , smiling back at Lydia .

"You look beautiful Mia . "

"Thank you Lydia . "

" why are you crying dear ? "

"I ... um ... I wasn't... oh, it's silly actually ... seeing myself all dressed up like this just brought me back to the night of my kidnapping.  That was the last night I was all dressed up like this . " I replied honestly . I couldn't lie to her . She was like my second mother and I loved her just as much. 

I tried my hardest to hold back the tears this time , while Lydia wrapped my in a warm hug - comforting me -

"It's fine , I understand . The past can hurt but the way I see it , you can either run from it or learn from it . "

I pulled back looking into her eyes ;

"I don't think I quite follow . "

She just gave a soft laugh as she continued ;

"Look at you Mia . I've known you from the beginning . You might have never known it but, actually I've known you way before you were born . I know this all started as a nightmare for you and I'm not justifying that anything that happend to you was right . But , I've seen how it changed you . It forced you to grow up . My mother always said that ; sometimes all you need is a little push in the right direction in order to bloom. And looking at you and the wondeful women you have become I can vouch that , that is true . This sudden push out of your comfort zone made you grow up and muture . I mean look at you dear , you're a wonderful mother.  You're so loving ,even towards Austin when all he gave you were hatred and bitterness - that will always be my favorite quality about you - so my point is , yes it may hurt to think back to that painful and horid day , but you can either look back at it and see it as painful , or see it as the beginning of something new , something beautiful and true . "

Somewhere in between Lydia's heartfelt speech I started to tear up again . This was really what I needed to hear , for the longest time . I needed this type of motherly nursing . I missed my mother...

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