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It's 6 years later and everything is still going Amazing ! Austin is as loveable as ever and hasn't layed a hand on me again since he changed , 6 years ago .

We're so happy and as cheesy as it sounds,  I fall inlove with him everyday. 

We got married 4 years back , the right way this time and it was beautiful.  He even let me invite my family .

After having a lot of words , arguments and near death occurrences my dad finally settled on the fact that Austin wasn't all that bad . He accepted that I do love him and saw that he was nothing like his parents .

Henry of course was a heartbreak on it's own . He was devasted when I told him everything and had to break his heart , since he was waiting for me all this time . - ironic since that's what my brother warned me about all those years back - but he eventually accepted my desicions and moved on .

As for Arabella , she's 6 now and is on her way to kindergarten. She's her daddy's little princess and I swear she has him wrapped around her little finger .

She has a little sister who's 5 , Olivia and is the exact opposite of her . She tends to lean more to Austin's side of the family.  She's loud , busy and has quite the attitude on her . She likes to take control over everyone.  Yup , she's definitly Austin's daughter. 

And then we have two little twin boys, Logan and Luke who is about a year old . They're a spitting image of Austin .  If I wasn't the one who carried them,  I would've thought I wasn't even the mother .

I love my babies all so much . And they make my life so worth it .


I walk back into the house , putting my handbag back over the railing , pouting all the way over to the kitchen. 

Two arms wrapped around my waist as I leaned into Austin's touch .

"Hey , it's only for half a day . She'll be back and I promise nothing will happen to her . It's only kindergarten.  " he reminded me , thinking it'll make me feel better . But it doesn't. 

Turning around in his arms I face his sparkling blue eyes , faking to still be upset .

"Come on love , you'll survive . You still have Liv and the boys to keep you busy . "

His attempt at making me feel better was not working.  All I wanted to do was hold my little Bella and cuddle her while watching Disney movies on the couch .

He lifted my gaze back to his as he leaned closer , whispering into my ear ; "I know what'll make you feel better.  "

Pulling back I gave him an arched brow ; "no , we have enough kids as it is . " I stated sternly as he only smirked , moving his hands down to my lower back .

He slowly leaned in and connected our lips , making me feel the familiar sparks running up and down my body before savouring  his familiar taste .

He lifted me up , making me wrap my legs around his waist as he deepend the kiss .

It was like magic all over again .

Yup , this was the life .

It's the end !!! I'm so sorry.  But I hope it was atleast some what enjoyable?

There will not be another sequal I think their lives are perfect now as it is . So I'm putting this two part story and their characters to rest now .

They've had a good run .

Check out my other stories and thank you for reading . Share your love down below for the last time .❤❤❤

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