chapter 20 Two Waffles please

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"One strawberry and one Bubblegum milkshake . With two Belgium Chocolate Fudge Waffles " I sat across from Henry listening to him giving the waitress our orders  , and if he got everything,  he gets forgetful sometimes.

"Will that be all sir ?" The old waitress asked

"Oh , 1 mega coffee and some blueberry pancakes . Forgot mine " Henry replied with a chuckle as I gave him death glares .

How dare he order ours separately  and make me seem like a pig . I know I've been eating a lot lately but that's no reason for him to point it out , in public no less .

The lady just looked over at me , gave me a small smile before walking off with our orders .

"What ?"

"Don't you 'what' me . How dare you embarrass me by making me seem like a pig , eating that much. "

"Mia ... You're not a pig . You're not pink or stinky ..."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better or be a compliment ?" I asked with a slightly raised brow as I watched him trying to find the right words .

As much as I seemed mad about him ordering separate,  it didn't bother me in the least . I'm pregnant,  have a lot of food cravings and has to forfill them . Sue me .

After a while of him wracking his brain for a reply I burst out laughing . I couldn't hold it in anymore .

I reached over the table and held his hand ,

"Chill baby , it's a joke ."

"Oh." He took a deep sigh of relief now that he knows he's not in the dog house .

Just moments after the waitress brought our orders as I couldn't wait to indulge in it . Seriously I think I'm drooling , that's how appetizing it looks . And the smell even better .

"Hey! That's mine ." Henry swatted my hand away . I was trying to sneak a bite of his blueberry pancakes but didn't succeed that well in the sneaking part .

"What? Sharing is caring ."

"Yeah , but not when it comes to food. Mia , you know I love you , but I don't share my food . That's for me and me alone ."

I pouted like a little girl who didn't get her way . I even gave him the puppy dog eyes and the quivering lip , but nothing helped .

I sighed in defeat and crossed my arms over my chest, hoping that would get him .

"Fine ." I heaved out. 

He just gave a chuckle when the waitress came over with our bill and a take out box . He took both , payed the bill and handed me the take out box.

"What is it ?" I asked dumbfoundly as I opened it revealing a blueberry pancake.

"I knew you would want some of mine . So I ordered a takeaway ahead for you , so I could still eat mine in peace but you can have some too ."

I smiled at the cute gesture and his sneaky attempt at earning brownie points  as we walked hands intertwined out the Waffle Diner and through the mall .

We've went from baby store to baby store . You can never have enough baby supplies . Plus their outfits are so cute , how can you not buy them  ?

After what felt like the millionth baby store I had to sit and take a break .

"Hey Hen , can we make a quick pit stop ?"

"Let me guess you need the bathroom again? "

"You know I do ."

Lately I've been going to the bathroom way more than usual  so it didn't even surprise Henry anymore when I needed to get up every 10 min to go to the bathroom .

He chuckled and answerd  ,
"Sure go ahead I'll wait right here ."

He took a seat infront of the cosmetics store while I ran into the bathroom next to it .

"Excuse me can you help me ?" A lady not much older than me , probably 20 or so asked me while we were washing our hands . Weird,  I know . But a woman's bathroom is a strange and magical place . You never know what goes on in there .

"Yeah , sure what do you need help with ?"

"Can you show me where the nearest exit is . My ex is sitting out front by the cosmetics store and I don't  want to see him . Is there a way I can go out back or something?"

"Sure , let me show you ."

I walked with her out the ladies room , through the back room leading to a door where all the dumpsters are located.  I've been in enough sticky situations in this mall to  know a few secret exits .

"Behind that blue dumpster is a door , it'll lead you to the parking lot ."

She gave me a smile and said ,

"Thanks you just made my life a whole lot easier ."

Confused I turned to walk away , as a hand came from behind me covering my mouth . I tried kicking and flailing my arms to get out of the grip.  But since I'm looking straight at her and scruffy hands are holding me down , I know it was a man and that coming free from his grip wasn't something that would  likely happen.

This is what I get for being the kind hearted human being , wanting to help everyone .

That's when realisation hit me ,
Henry! He must've noticed by now that I'm gone . I have to get back to him , or leave him some sign that I was here . But before my brain could generate any escape plans or ideas it was cut short by a pinch in my neck and darkness consuming me .

This didn't end the way I wanted to but the suspense is still there . Who do you think is behind this ? Is Austin finally taking back what's his ? Leave me your thoughts in the Comment section ❤❤

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