Chapter 24 Cival

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He's asleep .

Figures .

I made my way around his desk tapping him lightly on his shoulder while I whispered for him to wake up , though all I got was a sleepy "mhm..." in return. I rolled my eyes as I contemplated on what to do next .

I mean he can't stay here all night, he'll wake up stiff and I sure can't carry him , so my only option would be if he walked upstairs himself or if he's carried by someone .

I tried waking him again but this time his hand limply threw through the air like when you swat a fly away , but slower.

Nope not trying that again.

Plan B

Think. Think . think

Who can I call that won't rip my head off ?

That driver !

It was like a light bulb moment .

He was super nice to me and he works for Austin . It's perfect.

Shoot ! I don't know his name .

My eyes roamed around the room as I thought what to do now , when my eyes landed on an open drawer next to the door .

Being the curious person that I am I went and looked .

It was filled with lots of files and folders , so I took one out.

Who wouldn't?

And just my luck it's an "employee" or shall I say member file. There must've been dozens of files of each of Austin's members with their details, that driver guy must be in here somewhere .

I took them all out , carrying them in my arms to the couch as I plopped down , flipping through each one looking for him . Luckily for me they all had pictures attached so that made the search easier and somewhat quicker .

It was about 10 min later that I finally came across his file . I opened it looking at the picture .

Name : Jake Maxwell Age : 17 Positon : Getaway driver Family : None Number : 568 - 124 - 0052 Date of membership: 2016

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Name : Jake Maxwell
Age : 17
Positon : Getaway driver
Family : None
Number : 568 - 124 - 0052
Date of membership: 2016

I scanned over his file ,which was a lot shorter than the other guys' . I don't mean to snoop but my eyes just kept reading after I saw his picture. My heart almost broke when I read he had no family but , I quickly wiped my tears and dailed his number .

"Boss!?" He answerd in a surprised voice .

"No , it's me , Mia . "

" Mia - I mean bossLady what's wrong ? " I snickerd at him calling me bosslady .

"Nothing's wrong Jake I just need your help with something . "

I listened as I heard him take in a breath before answering.

"Listen here bosslady you're nice and all but I'm not helping you escape, I can lose my job . "

"No , no Jake it's not that . See ... Austin fell asleep at his desk and he doesn't want to wake up , I can't carry him upstairs so I kinda need your help getting him to bed . That's if you don't mind ? "

" . It's fine . I'll be right over ."

"Thanks . "

I hung up as I made my way back into his office seeing him still asleep .

I watched his sleepy form as I now first get the chance to examine him closely.

He's kind of attractive ...

The way his hair falls over his face is hot and his gentle breaths makes me lead to believe that there is a sensitive side to him .

A soft knock breaks my stare as I see Jake stading next to me in his pajama shorts and a tee .

He gives me a smile before heading to Austin , throughing his arm over his shoulder , picking him up .

I followed him upstairs as I watched Jake carry him with ease .

He laid Austin down gently on the bed as I thanked Jake for his help and started taking off Austin's shoes and socks . His shirt soon followed along with his jeans leaving him in his boxers .

I felt that , that was a real wifey thing to do and if I was him , I'd want to be comfortable while sleeping . And besides I've seen everything from that one horrible night - that now blessed me with my jellybean - that being in his boxers was the least of his problems.

I sighed drapping the covers over his sleeping form before climbing in next to him .

I liked this version of him much better. He looked so peaceful , so innocent, so ... happy .

I smiled as my eyes drapped closed, the image of his peaceful face being my last memory of the day .

A woke up to cold water making contact with my face . With a cough I sat up looking around confused and disoriented , seeing Austin with an empty bucket in his hand.

"What the ? " I said as I wiped my face with my sleeve , still slightly coughing .

"What did you do !?" He yelled at me while a looked at him confused .

"I don't know what you me-"

"How did I get up here and why am I undressed!? "

"I um , I had Jake carry you up here because I'm not physically fit to do it myself . I just took your shoes and clothes off so you can be comfortable... That's all I promise ..." I whisperd as I looked down at the wet duvet , fiddeling with it , not wanting to meet his rage enfueled gage .

He stayed stilent .

I lifted my head up slowly seeing him , thinking deeply , very unlike him .

"Well , don't do it again. " he said rather calmly and exited the room .

I watched him leave as I confused stared behind him.

What the heck ?

What just happend?

Did he just ... was he being cival just now ?

Could this be the beginning  of a new Austin ?

What do you think? Is this the beginning of a new Austin ? Is he changing ? Leave me your thoughts in the comment and vote section ❤❤❤

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