Chapter 26 a...

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My body pained, ached , as I cried out in pain.

My forehead dripped with sweat , my breathing hitching. I was in utmost pain , no scratch that ,the most excruciating pain I've ever felt in my life.

You know sometimes you wish you could take certain things back ? Change the past? Erase certain events? That's exactly what I'm wishing for now .

If I could turn back time I would've reversed everything just to get out of this pain I'm feeling now . Done things different.

But it's too late .

Too late turn back now .

What's done is done .

I curled my body upwards as the pain became unbearable. I looked at him for help but he just stared at me with a smirk .

If I didn't hate him before I sure do now .

I mean what kind of person is this cruel !? He was the one that put me in this pain , he caused this and now he's laughing at his handy work while I'm practically bleeding to death!

"Help me ! " I cried for what felt like the millionth time in the past 2 hours .

But like the other million times that I cried out, he just stood there , staring at me , enjoying this somehow .

"Austin! Please ! Help me ! Please ! " I literally cried out this time . Tears where streaming down my face , as I clutched the linen -underneath me - tight in my hands .

I closed my eyes - hoping it'll ease the pain , make it all go away as I maybe finally drift away into an uncalled darkness - as I listened to him sighing out loud . His voice soon followed there after ;

"Yeah , call Dr Briggs . "

I peaked my eyes open seeing him look impatiently out the window for that doctor . That filthy old man that examined me when I came back. Anyone but him please ! I'd rather die from this than let him touch me again .

I thought I said it out loud but was soon informed that I was wrong .

Moments later the door burst open as I closed my eyes yet again - not ready yet for him to touch me again, to make me feel like a piece of meat -

"Lydia? What are you doing here !? Get out ! " I heard Austin shout as I peaked my eyes open in attentiveness .

I watched as Lydia bowed her head to him as she spoke ;

"I'm sorry young master but Dr Briggs is busy operating on one of your men sir . I can assure you , I am medically trained and can perform this operation , that's if you'd let me sir ..." she trailed off formally - bowing her head in submisson once again -

I watched him examing her as he gestured with his hand for her to go ahead .

I watched as Lydia quickly rushed around me , preparing everything , I suppose , I mean what do I know about medical stuff ?

She lifted my legs up , putting a large paper towel underneath me . She then started to examine me , confirming my previous suspicions .

"Yup , you're definitly in labour Mia. "

I watched as Austin swung around surpised - as if he didn't know that already - crossing his arms over his broad chest , enjoying every second of this .

"Okay Mia I just need you to breath for now . You're only 4 cm dilated on 6 cm I'll give you an epidural to ease the pain a bit . "

I just gave her a stiff nod as I took in another sharp breath while another wave of pain shot through me . I bit my lip trying to muffle my cry but it still came out as a whimper .

3 hours later I was finally 6cm and Lydia gave me the epidural. I sighed in relief as the pain some what started to fade to numbness.

I turned my head to the side as Lydia wiped my forehead with a wet cloth.

As I turned my head towards her I watched Austin staring at his watch for the millionth time since Lydia got here , looking as impatient as ever .

"Lydia , can you hurry this up ? I have a meeting to get to . "

I gave him a scowl in return .

The nerve of this man !

How dare he !

"With all do respect young master , this is out of my hands . I can not speed up nor slow this down . This is a natural event that needs to take it's course . I'm sorry but by the looks of it I'm not sure you're going to make it to that meeting sir . "

He let out a huff in response as he stood up , walking to the window , staring out .

You know , some husbands would stay by your side , hold your hand tight , whisper encouraging words into your ear . They would do anything to try and ease the pain . They would stay by your side until it's over .

But not mine.

No , he stares out the window, do business , yell at Lydia and do anything but make this better for me . He's completely intolerable and rude if I'm being honest . He's not the title of a husband's behind worth !

"Okay Mia , it's time . "

I looked up from my thoughts. What !? Already!?

I turned my gaze to the clock . My goodness ! It's already 3 hours later ! Did I really drift off into my thoughts for that long ?

Lydia lifted my legs up to a little holder thingy - don't really know what it's called - as Austin , for the first time walked closer - heaven knows why - he's been absent for the past 8 hours. If he thinks stepping up to be the great husband he thinks he is at the last second he's sadly mis-

"1. 2 . 3 ! " Lydia yelled as I screamed out in pain pushing with all my might.

I was wrong , this was way worse than the pain from earlier way worse .

I laid back down , panting like crazy , trying to catch my breath again .

"Okay Mia, one last big push and you'll be there "

I inwardly groaned as I took in a last sharp breath .

You can do this Mia . Come on . I reminded myself .

And with all my might and the smidge of energy I still had in me , a cry was heard .

With the sound of my baby wailing brought tears to my eyes , literally.

I looked at Lydia waiting to hear what the gender is . The thought of meeting my little jellybean - the only reason I was still living , the only blood family I now had - made me overpowered in emotions .

"Congratulations , it's a -"

That's it ! That's all you get 😂 sorry to drag this out but I have to build up some suspense 🤓. What do you think? Boy or girl? Let me know in the comment section below . Lots of Author love to you ❤❤

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