Chapter 25 ticked

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Nope .

No way .

I was wrong .

That was not the start of a new Austin .

When I went downstairs he was already in full on Austin mode . And by that I mean his usual plesent, lovely self . Note my sarcasm .

I didn't even do anything !

I was just busy making my usual cup of morning tea , so I just asked him if he would like some coffee or something, you know out of courtesy . But he fired back saying; " I can get my own damn coffee woman!" And then he rushed off to his office - slamming the door behind him - leaving me stare dumbfounded .

I just don't get him .

Nevertheless I shook it off - like I always do - and continued with my day .

I did some light dusting , put the dishes in the dishwasher and made the bed. That's all I can do at this stage anymore . Luckily for me his mother was oddly kind enough to get us a maid for the time being , that's until I can do it myself . But , don't be fooled by her kind gesture , she gave me 7 months to recover - that's with my remaining month and 6 months after the baby is born - to get back to work .

But , I'm not complaining, it's 7 months that I can have some me time and spend some time binge watching netflix series .

I flutterd my eyes open. I must've fallen asleep ...

I sat up slowly , raking my eyes back up from my view of the floor.

And there he stood .

I lifted my gaze up further seeing the scowl on his face , heavens know why .

"Im going out with the guys . Don't know when I'll be back , not that I owe you an explanation but , when I return I expect dinner on the table for me and all my men . I expect to see 56- no make it 100 plates of Cordon Bleu and ice cold beer in the fridge. "

"A hundred!? Austin do you know how long that's going to take me ? Not to mention I'm not physically capable of standing for the amount of time it takes to make two corden bleu's not to mention a hundred!? "

He just looked at me with a straight face while I was practically blowing up !

" Oh cry my a river . Just get it done with . " and he left without another word or a glance back to me , which is probably a good thing because I probably looked like one of those cartoon characters with smoke coming out of the top of their head , red in the face.

Deep breath , I told myself . No use of upsetting myself or my little jellybean over that imbecile I call my husband .

Okay Mia , you can do this . You're better than that man . Show him what you're made of .

After calming down and my self pep talk I got to work . The sooner I start the sooner I can go to bed .

I decided it would be easier if I made them all in mass . You know , doing the same step with each plate rather than finishing one plate at a time before moving on to the next .

Which , I'm glad I did because that took a lot of time off my hands . I was finished cooking and setting the table - for a hundred people - within 3 hours .

Gosh , I was tired !

So , I went on upstairs with my new book , In search of Lost time , running a bath for me . There's nothing better than reading while in a bubble bath after a day like mine .

It's truly magical, I could just lay here for hours .

But after a good hour or two I decied it was time to get up , even though I wished I could stay longer .

I changed into my pajama shorts and a tank top, getting into bed to watch the rest of my netflix series .

I was about 15 minutes into my second episode , when I heard the front door open and loud talking.

Austin's home .

I decided to stay upstairs and wait them out . I've learnt one too many times to make myself scarce when his guys are over. So instead I continued watching my series .

5 episodes later the racket died down so I made my way downstairs.

I wished I hadn't made that decision though.

There sat about 20 of his members along with Austin , half of them passed out all over and the other half walked around sluring .

"Miaaaa , babyyyy come over here ." Austin slured .

I hesitantly moved forward too scared to say no .

I've never seen Austin drunk before so I don't know what he was capable of and I didn't want to find out either .

When I came closer he gripped me harshly,  pulling me closer to him by my waist . I squinted as his nails slightly dug into my waist .

He pulled me so close we were a hair's length away from eachother . I can't remember the last time we were so close but I'd rather forget it than remember .

"Kiss ! Kiss! Kiss ! " they all chanted drunkly as I turned back to Austin looking at him with fear.  He just gave me a smirk and gripped my jaw roughly pulling my face down to meet his lips. 

He forcingly kissed me as I kept my lips as tight as I could - not wanting to co operate - I didn't like this .

He kissed me so hard and rough I thought I was going to burst out in tears .

When he finally pulled back I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand , already tasting the alcohol in my mouth from the kiss . I hated the taste of it .

I turned around making my way towards the stairs as he just had to call behind me .

"Hey ! Where you going love !? "

I turned back facing him , showing no emotion .

"Come back here and give my boys a show . "

" a show!? Are you mad Austin !? I'm not some hooker you bring home every night . If you want someone to give them a show go look on the street corner , there's probably one waiting for you there  already! "

I turned back and proudly walked back upstairs hearing his men give a loud unanimous "ooooooo! "

I didn't turn back but I knew I just  ticked off Austin and that tonight might be my last night. 

Hey I'm back !!! Here's another update hope you enjoyed . I'm struggeling a bit to get my ideas across I'm having a slight writer's block but hope it'll blow over soon tho 😣. Leave me your thoughts and ideas in the comment section.  Lots of Author love ❤❤❤

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