🔫Chapter Two🔫

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1st of April, 10 AM

*Yoonjeo POV*

"Yoonjeo." A gentle voice says.

I don't want to wake up yet.

"Yoonjeo wake up." She says a little bit louder.

I still quietly lay in the bed.

"Oh Yoonjeo!!! Wake up before I beat your ass!!!!" She yells loudly.

"Ahh!!! Why can't you let me sleep in Rose!!!!!!" I scream back at her as I sit up on the bed.

"We have things to do and you're wasting time and energy when you just lie in bed like a potato." Rose says to me harshly.

"Yah!!!! I'm older than you!!! Don't you dare raise your voice to me!" I yell back and grab a big pillow and throw it at her. It hits her straight in the face and she falls backwards and looks at me angrily.

Oh shit. She is pissed.

She stands up slowly and stares at the ground silently.

"I..I was just playing Rose. I'll get up now." I say as I slowly stand up and start moving towards the door.

"You hit my perfect face with a pillow." She says slowly and looks at me with a crazy look.

That's it, I'm getting out of here. I start to run to the door but as soon as I do Rose does a full 360° turn and clothes line me with the pillow I threw at her. I hit it and fall hard on my back. Luckily there was a bean bag there so it didn't hurt too much but I just lie there still in shock. She leans over me and puts her hand around my neck as she begins to choke me.

"You could've hurt my face!! My dignity and honor!!!" She says as she begins tightening the grip on my neck.

"R...Rose..you wouldn't kill your Unnie over a little thing like that!?" I say and try to get her hands off my neck.

She starts laughing and lets go of me. I look at her with a confused look.  She looks at me and laughs even harder. I just stare at her in shock.

"April fools day Unnie!!" She yells and I open my mouth in shock.

"What? You weren't trying to kill me?!" I ask quickly.

"Of course not! I could never kill you!" She says as she wipes the tears from her eyes. She was laughing so hard. I look blankly at the ground.

"Oh, that was it." I say slowly and start moving to the left.

"You know Rose Todorova, it's not nice to nearly give your Unnie a heart attack right?" I say as I slowly reach for my shoe which is next to me.

"U...Unnie what are you doing? I was just playing." She says and laughs nervously.

"I know, now you have three seconds to run before I show you just how seriously I 'play'." I say evily and stand up with the shoe in my hand.

She is already out of the room running through the house as fast as she can. I take off after her and chase her through the big double story house. She rushes upstairs and into the bathroom where she quickly locks the door behind her. I slam into the door hard since I didn't have enough time to stop myself.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!" I scream as I fall to the ground and hold my shoulder in pain. "Agh! my shoulder!!!" I yell loudly.

Rose quickly opens the door with a concerned face and leans down to me.

"Oh my God Unnie, I am so sorry." She says as she slowly pats my back.

I smile at her. She looks at me with a shocked expression as she realizes I am not in pain anymore. She tries to stand up but it is too late, I have already grabbed her and put her in a headlock.

"U...Unnie stop! You wouldn't  kill your dongsaeng over a little thing like that!?" She says as she tries to get out of my tight hold on her.

I start laughing like crazy and let go of her.

"April Fools day Rose!!!" I say as I continue rolling on the floor and laughing until my tummy starts to hurt.

"That's not funny Yoonjeo!! I thought you were really hurt just now!" Rose says and gives me an upset face.

"At least now we're even." I say and stand up slowly. I put my arm around Rose who is pouting and start walking downstairs. We enter the kitchen and my eyes widen when I see a beautiful white cake with lit candles and white roses sitting on the counter.

"Happy birthday unnie!!" Rose says and hugs me tightly.

"I forgot it's my birthday!! Thank you Rose for doing this!" I say happily and hug her back. She smiles at me and motions for me to blow out the candles.  After we eat some of the cake and talk a bit, I glance at the clock.

"Rose! It's nearly 10:30! You have to go to class." I say as I start pushing her to her room to get ready.

"Ok, ok. I'll get ready." She says as she hurries into her room.

I go back to the kitchen and eat another peice of cake. Me and Rose met in college she came a year later than me so she still has some time left before she graduates. We became best friends really quickly.

I am actually an orphan. According to the nurse they found me wrapped in blankets on the steps of the orphanage and had no choice but to take me in. Of course they loved me and raised me with lots of love and I was adopted by a rich couple when I was seven years old. After I turned eighteen and started to go to college, my foster parents moved oversees but still send me money regularly so I was so happy to have a bestfriend like Rose, we are basically sisters. Rose's parents also are in another country and send her money so we decided to live together so we could combine our money and pay for a bigger and nicer apartment and have all the space we want, as we are quite free spirited. We are basically living like princesses now with me just lazing around the house while she is at school. I already graduated with a bachelor's degree in creative arts and my major was music but I still haven't tried getting a job or doing anything yet. I kind of like just resting and playing piano when I want to, and also cause I was kicked out of the previous studio I was at cause I was labeled a disturbance and accidentally broke a keyboard. It wasn't my fault though, I threw a speaker at one of the guys and if he didnt move away it wouldn't have broken the keyboard. So it's his fault really.

Rose walks out of her room with different clothes while tying her full beautiful black hair up into a pony tail. She doesn't have any make up on but she doesn't need any cause she is absolutely gorgeous.

"See you later Rose, remember, no boys, no smoking and no alcohol!!" I call out as she heads out the house.

"Yes Unnie. Bye!!!" She yells and rushes to the bus stop down the street. I smile at the lively girl and head back inside. I go to my room and get dressed while applying light makeup. I look at myself in the mirror, my long black hair and green eyes have often been the topic of a lot of conversations, I guess korean girls don't normally have green eyes. My body is also fairly good, I have a small build and slim waist and as Rose always says 'but that booty tho.' I giggle thinking about it, she always makes me laugh and I honestly don't know what I would do without her. I quickly finish up and head out of the bathroom. We need more food as it's been awhile since I went shopping. I start to walk out when I notice the TV is on, I go to turn it off but stop when I see what is on the news.

Assassination of Im Juyoung. Man found shot dead just moments ago outside of his most visited Restaurant.

"Wow, I guess assassins do exist." I say to myself as I switch the TV off. I'm not really scared or anything. Just sad that he died.

I lock up the house and start walking to the store which is like three blocks down. I am about to enter when my phone starts ringing. I almost start dancing to my EXO Playboy ringtone. I look at the caller id.

Crazy Amazing German Gurll♡♡

I laugh at my name for her. Rose is actually from Germany but learnt Korean when she was young and moved here to study acting and drama. She often gets stares from the boys since she is so beautiful.  I quickly pick up before it finishes ringing.

"Hey Rose!! What's up?" I say with a cheerful tone.

"Unnie!!!! I need your help!!!!"

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