🔫Chapter Thirty-Nine🔫

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*Rose POV*

I made my way down the long hospital halls. Yoonjeo hasn't woken up for three days, I hope she will wake up soon or else I'm really going to start freaking out.

I turned into her room but bumped into Taehyung as he was leaving.

He stepped back and looked at me. I immediately noticed how tired he looked not to mention he was crying. He visited many times over the last few days and I wondered how much sleep he actually was getting.

"Oh, Taehyung. Are you okay?" I asked as I stepped closer to him. His hair was messed up and his clothes were wrinkled.

Although I barely know him, from what Jin told me about him It sounds like he really loves Yoonjeo and wanted to protect her.

I don't understand why she can't see that.

"Rose." His deep voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I nodded and gave him my attention.

"Take care of Yoonjeo, please." He looked down as another tear rolled down his cheek. Then he moved around me and started to walk away.

"What do you mean? Where are you going?" I called out to him but he just kept walking and soon he was out of sight.

Of course I'm gonna take care of her but what does he mean? Isn't he going to be around for her.

I quickly turned and walked into her room. She was lying there so peacefully and the heart monitor beeped slowly.

I sat down in a chair and looked at her. I don't know what to say, so much has happened these past two weeks that it's a little overwhelming.

I closed my eyes as I lent back in the chair.

It's all my fault.

I made her go to that library, I made her get targeted by bts.

Everything that has happened to her read because of me.

I'm sorry Unnie.

"Rose?" My eyes flew open at the beautiful voice.

She was awake, and she was looking at me with a smile.

"Unnie...you're awake." I immediately stood up and walked over to the bed, placing my hand on hers gently.

"Well obviously, I don't sleep in that much do I?" She laughed as she looked at me. I blinked as I tried to understand her words.

Ah, she's probably still hazy from the surgery.

"How are you feeling Unnie?" I leant over a bit to look at her closer. Her skin was finally getting back the warm glow and her eyes were starting to shine again.

"I feel fine, why wouldn't I? It's not like we went out drinking last night." She nudged me with her elbow and started to laugh.

My mouth dropped open in surprise. Why is she acting like this!?

"Unnie do you remem--"

"Oh my God, Rose is that the time!?" She yelled as she sat up and looked at the clock hanging from the white hospital room wall.

"Uh..yeah.." My mind was racing. Why is she acting so strange?

"Rose! It's nearly 10:30! You have to go to class." She started pushing me but I just stood there frozen in shock. I was speechless.

"What's wrong Rose? Aren't you going to go to class?" She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Uh...um..well, no..." I couldn't even get the words out, why is she thinking that I should go to class!?

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