🔫Chapter Eighteen🔫

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*Rose POV*

"No! I beg you, please don't do this! I swear I won't tell anyone anything!!"

"Good to hear, but you still need a taste of what will happen in case you do tell."

"Nooo!! Yoongi stop!!!" I scream as I sit up and grab the couch tightly.

Tears come to my eyes as the memory of him hurting me flashes through my mind so vividly.

"Are you ok?" My head flinches to the direction of the sound as a familiar but unrecognisable voice speaks up.

Oh my God.

As soon as I make eye contact with the man next to me I am completely entranced.

He stares at me with curious yet concerned eyes, and his face is absolutely stunning.

Wait, this isn't real.

Good job Rose, you finally cracked.

I reach my hand out to him and he doesn't react.

"Knew you weren't real." I bring my hand back but he suddenly grabs it and warmth rushes through my whole arm as a satisfying tingling goes all the way to my fingertips.

This skin on skin contact is amazing.

I stare at him with wide eyes.

"I'm right here." He says with a soft, silky voice.

"W..who are you." I become scared when I realise its not a dream and there is a strange man in my living room.

Wait why I am in the living room?

"Hey, I'm Jungkook."

He was there. With Yoongi.

"You saved me?" I bring my arms to my body and when I look down I notice they are clean with a few band-aides covering the scars.

"Yes, don't worry. I'm not gonna let Yoongi touch you ever again." Jungkook leans in and takes my hands in his. He kisses them softly.

"What's your name?" He asks and stares in my eyes.

Oh gosh, I could lose myself in his dark, amazing eyes.

"Rose." I answer back while staring at him equally.

We stay like that for a few minutes and I have to admit. Sparks were flying.

I briefly look up and see the house has been thoroughly cleaned.

"Y..you cleaned up?" I slowly stand and look around me. The place is spotless.

"Yeah..I didn't want you to wake up to mess." He says and looks down at his hands.

I notice he is sleeping on the floor with a thin blanket covering him.

"Why are you on the floor?" I can't believe he slept there. It must have been so uncomfortable...

"Well, you fell asleep as soon as I brought you to the couch and I didn't want to wake you up by taking you to a bed. So I just slept here....next to you." He looks up and tears start coming to my eyes.

"W..why? Why are you t..taking care of me." My voice comes out in a pained hoarse tone as I try to hold back my sobs.

"Because you're so gentle and beautiful and when I saw you, I couldn't.." He trails off as he stands up and stares at my face.

"I couldn't resist you."

I full on start crying at this. I fall to the ground and cover my face as tears keep coming without stopping.

"I..I'm.not beautiful..I'm...covered in scars and I...I'm..not even...p..pure anymore.." I grab my hair and keep looking down.

Seeing such a sweet person caring for me.is too much. I'm not good enough for him.

I'm not good enough for Jungkook.

"Hey no, listen to me." He kneels down and pulls my hands away making me look at him.

I choke back another sob as his eyes, filled with unshed tears search mine.

"You, are perfect. You are perfect for me, and I want you."

I stare at him trying to comprehend with this angelic stranger just said.

"I want you." He says again as he kisses my hands over and over again.

"Will you be mine?"


*Taehyung POV*

"So Jin." I stare at the man and raise my eyebrows.

"No." He turns around without even looking at me.

I grab his chair and swing it back around so it's facing me as I stare at him with desperation. Sweat slightly drips down my forehead. The churning need in my lower torso is becoming painful.

"Jin, I need you right now." My voice comes out dry and anxious.

"No Taehyung, I'm with J-Hope now." He stands up and looks at me sternly.

I fall on my knees in front of him.

"Do you want me to beg!?? Is that what you want??!" I stare up at him and he stares at me.

"Jin, just give him what he needs." Hoseok looks at us then continues doing what he was doing with occasional moans slipping out.

Jin stands his ground and glares at me.

"No!! I'm not giving you our food!!!" Jin yells and holds the container of noodles to his chest protectively.

Hoseok simply shrugs and goes back to stuffing his face with food, moaning at how good it tastes.

"Listen you, Hoseok asked if you wanted Chinese food, but you walked away with that little brat Jimin, and now that you see us eating it and can smell how amazing it is you suddenly want it. No! We're not giving you any food." Jin turns and walks away while proceeding to eat it.

The elevator opens and Yoongi walks in.

He looks pissed.

Like even more than he usually is on an everyday basis.

I ignore him and he walks to the couch and sits down.

He looks at us.

"Wake me, and I'll slowly skin you and use it as a blanket." With that he lies down and falls asleep.

Typical day with Yoongi.

I look at the clock.

2 pm.

Jimin will be back soon from checking on his mom with Namjoon.

Then, we can finally start tracking done Yoonjeo.

I will find her no matter what.

I'll do whatever it takes.

I stand up and head to the weapons room.

As I walk in it feels completely different, looking at all the guns lining the walls, I can actually feel the weight of all the people I killed. I can feel the guilt. Before Yoonjeo came in the picture I would kill without question or remorse, but now, I know I will still have to kill to get to her but I won't do it so carelessly.

Life is more valuable now, more then it ever was to me.

"Taehyung, have a second?" Jin's voice pulls me out of my thoughts and I quickly turn to him.

"Of course Hyung, what is it?" I go towards him and he leads me out to the computers.

"We got a lead on Yoonjeo."

SNIPER | K.TH Fanfic/Smut. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now