🔫Chapter Forty-Two🔫

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*Taehyung POV*

It was 10 o'clock, peak work time for the clothes factory. If I can find Jaebum and get a clear line of sight on him, the sound of the machinery will mask the shot.

I got out of my car and grabbed my sniper case.

The factory was surrounded by old industrial buildings, I can easily get a shot off from one of them.

I quickly ran through the streets and into one of the buildings, there was dust everywhere and the old stairwell creaked loudly as I went up to the highest floor.

"This is perfect, time to kill that bastard Chey." I placed the case down and pulled out my beautiful sniper. My Cheytac Intervention.

Do I need that much power for a sniper? No. Do I want that much power? Fuck yes.

It was cleaned and oiled and ready to shoot. Ready to kill whoever I chose to put that reticle over.

Ready to end Im Jaebum's life.

I quickly set it up attaching the bipod and setting it on the barrier of the top floor. There was a small awning which was perfect so my gun wouldn't reflect the sun and alert anyone.

I put my eye to the scope and started searching the building. It was about eight-hundred metres away so I had a 14x scope.

After going through level after level of the factory I finally came across Jackson. He was standing outside a large metal door, gun in hand, guarding it closely.

I smiled as I enabled my laser rangefinder and measured the distance than turned my laser targeter on and the familiar red dot appeared on the wall next to Jackson.

I missed this so much. Being behind the gun, waiting patiently to shoot just like a snake waits for its prey.

The door started opening and I started breathing out slowly so I could hold the aim still.

Jaebum appeared, dressed in a full suit as he talked to Jackson.

My heartbeat quickened as I put pressure on the trigger, he was walking straight towards me down the hallway and my aim was directly over his heart.

"Goodbye, Im Jaebum." Then I pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The gunshot cut through the quietness surrounding the area and pierced the large glass window of the factory office with a satisfying crack.

Jaebum fell backwards holding his chest as everyone around him started running to protect him, but it was too late.

The shell came out and hit the ground with a beautiful sound, my favorite thing to hear.

I got him perfectly in the heart just like I always do.

Just like I did to his father.

He was dead before he hit the ground.

I quickly stood up taking my gun and pulling apart all the attachments. I carefully placed it in its case then ran to the staircase and out the building shortly after.

I got in my car and drove away from the area without looking back. Police cars drove past me but none of them would ever suspect I was the man that assassinated Jaebum.

They'll never find his killer. Another unsolved case, just like all the cases I created for the police. Unsolved.

I pulled the car up to a small park, there were a few families with kids playing on the playground.

I wonder what would've happened if I met Yoonjeo differently. What if she liked me too and we could've maybe been a family with kids and come to this same playground on the weekends.

I closed my eyes and massaged my temples.

I messed things up, I messed things up so badly. Oh well, at least he is dead, and Yoonjeo is safe. That's all that matters.

I heard a quiet but strange noise from the other end of the park. I didn't think too much of it as I picked up my phone and dialled Jin.

He picked up immediately.

"Taehyung where are you? Are you okay?" His voice was filled with concern and I felt bad for running off and worrying them.

"Yes Hyung I'm fine, I killed Jaebum." The words almost sounded cruel and there was silence on the other end of the line.

No, I'm not going to let that emotion take over. He deserved to die.

That other noise started getting louder but I just rolled up my windows so I could hear Jin.

"What about Yoonjeo?" His voice was quiet and sad.

"She'll get over it." That noise was starting to get annoying.

"Taehyung...Namjoon.....base.....need you." The noise was so loud it was like a machine of some sort and I couldn't make out Jin's words cause of it.

I let a frustrated sigh as I turned my head to look to the source of the sound.

The phone dropped from my hands, and my eyes widened in shock. Not more than thirty feet away was a massive semi-truck heading to my car at full speed.

I knew I had no time to move out the way or even get out the car.

And the worst part, I didn't have my seatbelt on.

"Taehyung?" Jin's voice was loud from the phone but it was too late.

The truck had hit my car and in a last minute attempt to save myself I had wrapped a jacket around my neck and sheltered my head with my arms.

The car started to roll from the force, It was like being punched by a giant. Since I had no seatbelt I fell to the side and my head slammed into the window as it cracked under me.

I started losing consciousness and all the sounds, the metal breaking, the screams from people nearby, the glass shattering it all started to drain out as my vision was getting worse.

The last thing I felt was something sharp going into my side and then I blacked out...

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