🔫Chapter Seven🔫

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Hey everyone, yes I am back and am gonna start updating again. Please vote and comment and I hope you enjoy. 💕

*Rose POV*

I continued eating and looking through my phone when suddenly I heard the faint sound of glass breaking from upstairs.

"Unnie, I swear you are so clumsy sometimes." I say as I walk to the kitchen to grab a dustpan. I am just about to open the cabinet when I hear a strange sound. Almost like someone screaming but it's muffled.

"Unnie?" I call out as I slowly start to walk up the stairs. I hear nothing in reply and and start to get scared.

I run the rest of the way and rush in her room as I turn the light on. My eyes open wide in fear. I see her phone charger pulled out of the wall without a phone and lying on the ground is her favorite snowball that I gave her for her birthday smashed in pieces.

I start to panic.

"Unnie where are you!!?" I yell as I run out of the room and to the bathroom. It's completely empty.

"Yoonjeo!! If this is a prank then I will kill you." I shout and run throughout the house.

Nothing. She is gone without a trace. Someone took her.

Tears come to my eyes as I shakily grab my phone and dial the police. This is my fault she got kidnapped, because I sent her to the Library with those bad men.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" A calm woman's voice says on the other end of the line.

"M...my friend has been k..kidnapped." I say as more tears start to come to my eyes.

"Hold on, what is your name and are you absolutely sure of her status?" The voice responds and I choke back a sob.

"Rose...Rose Todorova and my friend is Oh Yoonjeo, and I am sure someone has taken her." I say while drying my tears. I have to be strong for her.

"Ok, we have a detective in the area so he will come by immediately, what is your address?" The woman asks and I quickly tell her. She hangs up after telling me to stay inside. I grip the phone to my chest as I start to cry again. The thought of my Unnie being taken somewhere and hurt by someone is too much for me. My heart starts hurting and I begin crying when I hear a gentle knock on the front door. I stand up and rush to open it. A very good looking young man is standing there with a slim fitting grey suit. His broad shoulders and handsome face almost make me forget what's happening.

"Rose? I'm Kim Seokjin, the detective in the area." The man says with a beautiful voice.

"Yes, Mr. Kim please come inside." I say as I move out the way for him.

"Just call me Jin." He says as he walks by me and into the house.

I follow behind him and he makes his way to the living room and motions for me to sit down.

"Now, Rose. Anything you say will be kept strictly confidential but you must tell me everything that happened up to her disappearance." he says after we sit down.

"Ok, well earlier today, I needed Yoonjeo to....go to the Library and get a book for me. So she went there but found some guys on a computer and they looked really shady, I believe she said they were called bts, and then a guy with green hair called Yoongi chased her." I say quickly so I don't forget it.

He nods for me to continue with a stressed look.

"When she brought me the book she was really worried and she told me about them and said for me to be careful coming home and so I went to class and I assume she went home. Then just now when we were having dinner she had to go upstairs to charge her phone and I heard glass breaking and muffled screaming. So I went to check up on her and she completely vanished and even her phone is gone too." I say as tears start to fall.

"I see, so she saw some guys at a Library and you believe they kidnapped her?" Jin asks quickly.

"Yes." I reply quietly.

"Show me where her room is." Jin says and I nod as I stand up. I lead him to Yoonjeo's bedroom and stand back as he surveys the area. He walks in and looks at the broken snowball that is still on the ground.

"Do you smell that?" He asks while walking back and looking at me.

"Smell what?" I ask as I quickly smell the air but it seems normal to me.

"Chloroform." He says quietly.

My heart nearly stops.

They kidnapped her. They kidnapped my beautiful Unnie.

What if they kill her? Or something worse?

"J..Jin..You have to save her..I can't live without my Unnie." I say as I start crying and grab his arm gently.

"Rose, I will do my best to find her. You stay quiet and don't go out except to school and then straight back here. Ok?" Jin say as he puts his hand over mine and looks me in the eye with a really worried face.

"Ok, just please find her." I say and continue crying.

Jin nods to me and leaves the house quickly. I slide down to the floor and pick up a piece of Yoonjeo's snowball. I bring my knees to my chest and hug them as I silently cry.

'I'm sorry Unnie. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry."


*Jin POV*

"Tell me everything Jin." Namjoon says as he sits down in front of me. I stay silent for a second, my mind is filled with so many thoughts.

"He killed her. I saw the bullet hole through the mesh window and he removed her body and all traces thoroughly." I say quickly and look back at Namjoon.

"What about the girl Rose? What does she know?" He asks me quickly and Yoongi walks in at that very moment.

"Well, she thinks Yoonjeo was kidnapped and I made her believe that I would try to find her, but she does know the name bts and Yoongi." I say worried about the possibility of her telling people.

'Well, I'll just kill her then." Yoongi says and cracks his knuckles.

"No!" I answer back really quickly. They both look at me with a confused face.

"It's not necessary to kill her. She only knows a few names, that's it, no faces or anything important like Yoonjeo did and she is just a young girl still in college. I think if we just scare her that will be enough." I quickly look to Namjoon and Yoongi.

"Guess, I just need to 'scare' her." Yoongi says and stretches out the 'scare' as he smirks. I get a bad feeling about what he has in mind but I can't say anything. They will kill her if I do.

"Ok, you make sure Rose doesn't talk." Namjoon says to Yoongi and he nods back still smiling. I stiffen at his expression and can tell he is planning something really bad.

"It's late guys and you all deserve to rest, me and Hoseok are going to stay and study the maps but you can go home." Namjoon says as he stands up and starts walking to Hoseok. I stand up and make my way out with Yoongi. We get in the elevator and he presses the button.

"Go easy on her Yoongi, she is frail and won't need to much to shut her up." I say as we start moving up.

"I would go easy, but girls love it when I'm rough." Yoongi smirks as the elevator stops and the door opens.

We walk out and he turns and glares at me. I am about to say something but he cuts me off with a threatening look.

"Let's just do what we need to and not interfere with each other's work." He says in a deep tone and leaves the building.

There's nothing I can do, I just hope he doesn't hurt Rose too much.

I head to my car and as I get in I chuckle to myself. "Wow Taehyung, so you actually fell for a girl huh?" I say out loud as I go over today's events and turn on the car.

"Well, she better be one hell of a girl for what I did for her."

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