🔫Chapter Fifteen🔫

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*Taehyung POV*

"What happened back there?" I ask the guys as we head back to hq. Jimins driving and is gripping the wheel tightly while Jin holds his sore stomach in the front passenger seat.

"They ambushed me, Youngjae and bambam to be exact. Hit me before I saw it coming." Jin says quietly and looks down in shame.

"That fucktard Jackson and his little bitch Mark cornered me and forced me to surrender." Jimin blurts out disrespectfully.

"How the hell did they find us?" I say loudly as I grab the seat and squeeze it tightly out of frustration.

"Maybe they followed you when you saved that idiot girl." Jimin says rudely and turns sharply causing me to hit my head on the window.

"What the fuck is wrong with? Keep the car on the damn road!!" I yell and move to the middle seat.

"Oh and Yoonjeo is her name, don't call her idiot." I say sharply and look out the window.

"Listen Taehyung, she is really messing things up. First she makes you disobey a direct order from Namjoon that btw, is fucking important since she could potentially take out our whole operation. Then you put me, Jin Hyung and my mum in danger because of her. You have to see what she is doing here V." Jimin says in an angry tone while focusing on the road and occasionally glancing at me through the rear-view mirror.

"Don't call me V." I viciously spit back at him.

Only my family ever called me V when they were still alive. No one else has the right to call me that.

"Maybe I will, unless you forget about that idiot." He answers quickly.

"I LOVE HER GODDAMN IT!!!" I yell and punch the seat causing Jin to jump in shock.

The car is completely silent and Jimin just clenches the wheel tightly as he keeps driving. Jin looks at me with concern in his eyes.

"That's nonsense, you just met the idiot." Jimin finally says something after like 5 minutes of silence.

I stare at the back of his seat with my jaw twitching from how hard I'm biting down on it.

"Pull over." I say quickly and unbuckle my seat.

"Taehyung, don't act irrationally." Jin says and tries to put a hand on my shoulder.

"I said PULL THE FUCKING CAR OVER!" I yell as I hit Jins hand away.

"Do whatever you want." Jimin says as he pulls the car over to the side of the road.

I get out and head to Jimin's door.

"The next time you call my girl something like that, or talk bad about her in any way, I'll put two bullets in you." I say with anger and venom as I punch the window and it cracks under my fist.

I start walking away not even caring to look back. If Jin wasn't at the hospital I probably would have let them take that son of a bitch Jimin instead of Yoonjeo.

Oh my God, Yoonjeo. I'm so sorry baby, I did all this to you, you didn't deserve any of it and it's all my fault.

For the first time since we left the hospital I can actually comprehend what happened. I can't believe I actually let those Got7 bastards take her. They are going to hurt her for sure, I just hope she can hold out long enough for me to save her

"What the hell Taehyung, they are gonna kill her!! Why can't you ever save the people that you love!!!" I yell as I fall to my knees and start punching the ground.

"Hey man, you alright?" A voice says next me and I look up to to see a young guy with dark blonde hair standing next to me with a concerned expression.

SNIPER | K.TH Fanfic/Smut. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now