🔫Chapter Thirty-Two🔫

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*Taehyung POV*

"It's been hours, there's no way they're even close to the area." I say says as we examine the map.

"The underground tunnels connect to a sort of central hub that leads mainly to two places. Downtown, and District 9." Namjoon says with a troubled tone.

"You don't think they went to District 9 do you? A whole gang was massacred when they stayed there a night. Apparently they were mutilated beyond recognition." Jimin adds as he stares at us.

"Well, unless they are idiots or think they are tough enough then that's the most probable place to go. We'll check it out as soon as the others get back." Namjoon states and leans back in his chair.

I look over and see Yoongi leaning against the wall staring at the ground. He looks up and our eyes meet and for a second It's as if I could feel him planning something bad.

I'm about to walk over to him but the elevator chimes, opening up revealing Jin, Hoseok and Jungkook.

"Is Yoonjeo okay?" I ask as I rush over to them.

"She's fine, she got an infection but with enough antibiotics and a few hours of sleep she was much better." Jin replies while looking at me.

I see Hoseok and Jungkook looking to the side strangely avoiding my gaze.

"Everything alright with you guys?" I ask suspicious of their behaviour.

"What? oh yeah, everything is A-Ok Mr.Tae." Jungkook says while smiling and Hoseok punches his arm.

Namjoon stands up and walks toward us so I decide to ignore it and focus on what's at hand.

The guys soon take seats around Namjoon in the lounge area, well Yoongi just lies down, the lazy bast--Anyway, we all wait quietly for Namjoon to talk.

"Is Yoonjeo alright?" He asks quietly and we all stare in shock at his concern.

"Yes, she's much better. We gave her a lot of um...medicine." Jin coughs and looks away.

I blink as I look at him, why are those three acting so strange?

Namjoon straightens in his chair, clearing his throat and we all give him our full attention.

"Listen up guys, because Taehyung apparently, mysteriously and unbelievably loves this girl Yoonjeo, we can't kill her or her best friend Rose. So, as soon as we take care of Got7 I'm going to bring them here and I'm going to have a talk with them. Now I'm only going to say this once so listen closely, if they don't agree with my terms then someone's gonna have to clean the floor up, do you understand me?" Namjoon stares at each of us closely and we nod in agreement.

"Secondly, it's bad enough that we have one man that's head over boots in love, so stay away from Rose, let's not let any feelings develop for her okay?" Namjoon raises an eyebrow questioningly.

Jungkook shifts in his seat and raises his hand a little. "Uh, Namjoon?"

"Don't interrupt me Jungkook." Namjoon sends him a glare then stares back at us.

We all nod in agreement. Everyone except Jungkook that is... something is definitely going on with him...I quickly push it aside and focus on what Namjoon is saying.

"Now, Jaebum and his gang have gone far enough. They hurt you guys and they tortured Yoonjeo. We need to get rid of them, but we go together and we work as a team. So Taehyung if you dare run off on your own cause of your personal feelings, I will make sure you never see Yoonjeo again." He gives me a dead serious warning look and I nod quickly.

"I won't Hyung." I answer and look down.

"The same for all of you, we work as a team, and we support and cover each other. Oh, and don't forget, we still have an identity to hide. Avoid encounters with any one besides Got7 and watch your backs, the place we are going has a bad reputation." He stands up and looks at us.

We all stand up as well, exchanging quiet glances.

"Namjoon, where exactly are we going?" Jin inquires as he puts his Jacket on.

"District 9." He answers gruffly while stepping away slowly.

The room is silent for a while as we acknowledge it.

It's dangerous, it's risky, but it would be worse to leave Jaebum and his guys out on the street where they can hurt Yoonjeo.

I turn to head to the weapons stash but abruptly bump into Jungkook.

He steps back shaking his head and looks up to me. His eyes show conflict and I can tell he's not focusing.

"Jungkook what's wrong?" I ask quietly as I watch Namjoon walk into his office and close the door behind him.

"N..nothing Hyung." He looks down avoiding eye contact.

Something is definitely wrong.

"You can tell me Jungkook, I'm on your side." I say reassuringly and he looks up warily.

"I...I'm in love with Rose." He says the words that I was already suspecting and I take a deep breath in.

"How long?" I scan the area to make sure no one is listening. I see Yoongi eyeing us strangely but he's too far away to hear anything, everyone else must be getting ready to go.

"A few days." He says even more quietly and closes his eyes for a while.

"I know how you feel, when I saw Yoonjeo I felt like I could not be separated from her, but, have you guys spent a lot of time together? Would it be possible to maybe break up--"

"We had sex, Taehyung."

"Many times." Jungkook stares at me and my mouth drops open in shock.

"Well damn maknae, look at you getting laid like a boss." I say as I laugh.

He loosens up a little and laughs with me.

"She's amazing though, when I woke up with her in my arms...I felt like the happiest man alive." He adds as his eyes light up from talking about her.

"You need to tell Namjoon Hyung." I say while grabbing a coat and motioning to the office door.

"He'll be angry at me though." Jungkook looks at me with uncertainty in his eyes.

"He won't be too bad with you. Besides, you're the baby maknae, everyone loves you, we can't stay angry with you as long as we could stay angry with a bunny." I look at Jungkook and burst out laughing. He sends me a look of shock and horror resulting in me laughing even more.

"Fine I'll tell him after we take out Got7." He starts to turn but stops and looks at me.

"Thank you Hyung." He gives me a small smile and offers his hand out.

I return the bro shake and smile.

"No problem Jungkook."

SNIPER | K.TH Fanfic/Smut. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now