🔫Chapter Twenty-Two🔫

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*Jungkook POV*

I stare at the picture of Rose as the elevator slowly goes down to hq. I took the photo of her before told her I had to leave and would be back soon.

She asked where I was going but I couldn't exactly tell her I'm working with the group of mercenaries that hurt her so much, so I just said that my brother needed me to help him with a job and she seemed content with that answer.

I look at the speaker in the elevator and see it's still smashed in. What happened to Taehyung? He has never gotten angry in his life, actually, he hasn't felt anything like anger or grief since his family was killed so what caused his outburst now? Maybe I'll ask Jin hyung, he seems to know everything that happens.

The door opens and I see Jin, Jimin and Taehyung outfitted for a mission waiting to come in.

"Where are you guys going?" I ask as I slip Rose's photo in my pocket discreetly.

"We have a mission, but more importantly, where were you last night?" Jin stares at me curiously waiting for an answer.

"Uh, I was, in the city." I think quickly of what to say. We aren't exactly allowed to have girlfriends.

"In the city doing what?" Jimin asks as he tilts his head to the side and gives me an amused look.

"I was just walking, then I slept in my car." I stare back at Jin and only hope that he'll be stupid enough to believe me.

He stays quiet for a second while considering something, then he brings his hand up and smacks me hard in the back of my head.

"What the hell Hyung?" I look at him in disbelief.

"Irresponsible, stupid kid. What if Jaebum found you huh? Is our group a fucking joke to you!?" He glares at me and I'm rendered speechless. Jin rarely gets mad.

I try to speak but I don't even know what to say. My story is bad, and it makes me look really careless, but I can't say I spent the night with a girl, nonetheless the best friend of someone we had to kill!

"Leave him alone Jin."

We all turn to the voice and see a very pissed Yoongi sitting on the couch glaring at us.

"Yoongi, Jungkook needs to learn how we're supposed to do things." Jin turns to him and raises an eyebrow tauntingly.

"Another time. I'm trying to sleep here and you all are so fucking nosy, so either get out or I'll make you get out." He gives us one final threatening look and then lies back down on the couch.

Jin grabs my arm and makes me look at him. "Jungkook, don't do anything stupid, always remember the group comes first."

I nod and watch as he leaves with Taehyung and Jimin following him.

Tae surprisingly gives me a pat on the shoulder and a sympathetic look as he leaves.

What has gotten into Taehyung? He seems so different.

I take my jacket off and walk into the lobby, I spot the dark plush couch where Yoongi is lying and I try to avoid him. I can't get into a fight right now, not with Rose's safety on the line.

"So how was Rose?" Yoongi calls out as I try to walk by, stopping me. I quickly scan the room for Namjoon and Hoseok and fortunately they aren't here.

I turn towards Yoongi.

"What?" I say loudly.

"Well you fucked her right? So how was it? She's good isn't she." He sits up and smirks at me.

I breath in deeply and clench my jaw as I slowly walk to him, there's no way I'm gonna let Yoongi stir me up.

I put my Jacket on the couch.

And I punch that fucker as hard as I possibly can.

Yoongi groans in pain as the force of punch pushes him of the couch and he slams onto the cold hard ground.

"So she wasn't good?" He spits out blood as he stands up and looks at me. The amused and sick face he has on makes me want to punch him until he has no face left.

"Listen Yoongi, if you weren't a member of this group, I would kill you on the spot for putting your hands on her but since I can't kill you, then you better make sure you stay clear of me and Rose or else I will show you just how vicious I can be." I stare at him with anger clouding my eyes.

"Oh? vicious like I was when I took her virginity?" He smirks even more and comes closer to me.

I clench my fist tightly and look away.

"Vicious like when I tied her up and forced my cock into her tight little pussy?" Yoongi spits the words out with venom and comes even closer to me.

"Vicious like I-"

"Shut the fuck up!!" I grab him by his hair and force his head down bringing my leg up and kneeing him powerfully in the face.

His head flies back and blood spurts out his mouth like a geyser. He falls backwards on the ground and starts coughing as he chokes on the blood in his mouth.

I walk to him and kneel beside him.

"If you ever talk about her again, I will beat you so badly you won't even be able to remember her. I'll drive my fist into your disgusting face so many times that the amount of blood you cough up will be enough to fill a-"

"Jungkook!! What the fuck are you doing to Yoongi!!??" Namjoon runs into the room and pulls me away from him slamming me into a wall and and holding me there with his arm.

Hoseok follows after him and helps Yoongi stand up, examining his wounds.

"Somebody care to explain what's happening here?" Namjoon asks as he grits his teeth and clenches his jaw. His eyes are filled with anger and he looks back and forth from me and Yoongi as his grip tightens on my shirt.

Yoongi slumps down on Hoseok's arm so dramatically it looks fake and he coughs up more blood as he smirks to me.

My eyes widen when I realise that he wanted to get me into trouble with Namjoon. He wanted to get me out of Rose's reach.

"Seeing as Yoongi is barely able to speak you are coming with me and we are going to have a long fucking talk about why you are beating the shit out of him." Namjoon grabs my arm and begins pulling me away to his office.

I can't say anything. I'm screwed either way and I am trapped here while Yoongi is free out there.

Rose is by herself out there as well.


*Yoongi POV*

"Really Hoseok, I'm fine." I push his hands away as he cleans the few cuts on my face.

"What happened exactly?" He puts a hand on my shoulder and stares at me with confusion and disbelief.

"I don't want to talk right now, I just really need air. I'll tell you when I get back." I stand up and grab my jacket.

"Okay, be careful out there Yoongi." Hoseok stands up and steps away from me.

I nod to him and head out the building quickly. I get in my car and head to Rose's house.

Ever since I left her with Jungkook I've been going crazy. Just imagining him fucking her when it should be me was almost driving me insane.

I took her virginity. She belongs to me.

I'll never let Jungkook have her.

SNIPER | K.TH Fanfic/Smut. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now