🔫Chapter Forty-Seven🔫

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*Rose POV*

I was driving to the hospital because Jin called me saying Yoonjeo had collapsed.

This is all my fault, when will my actions stop hurting the people I love...

I pulled up to the front and jumped out the car, dashing inside I saw Hoseok also running in and we exchanged looks for a second, before continuing down the long hallway.

As soon as I got to the room my heart broke, Yoonjeo was lying in a hospital bed for the second time, different lines attached to her and the heart monitor beeping slowly.

The tears came to my eyes as I also saw Taehyung next to her in another bed, he was bandaged up almost everywhere and his face was slightly pale.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered quietly as I stared at them. I’ve never felt so bad. Hoseok supportively put a hand on my shoulder.

The door opened and Jin and Jungkook came inside.

My eyes met with Jungkook’s, they were stricken with hurt and also bloodshot as if he had been getting barely any sleep.

I quickly looked away, and Namjoon now came in the room followed by Yoongi and Jimin.

Luckily the hospital room was a double room for both Yoonjeo and Taehyung so we weren't cramped, but it was still very awkward since this was my first time meeting Namjoon.

“What happened? I though she lost her memory..” Namjoon asked as he walked closer to me.

His presence was very authoritative and I could see from his build and posture why he was the leader.

“She saw the scars on her body and then she kept asking questions until she remembered everything. She grabbed the gun I got from….from Jungkook and ran out.” I looked down while I hid my face with my hair.

I could barely look at them, I broke Jungkook's heart, and it's because of me their friend is so hurt right now.

“We took care of the body, Got7 has been completely removed from the city and the system.” Hoseok said quietly but I still heard it.

“What body?” I asked while looking up at the men. The all turned to me with hesitation and worry on their faces.

“Jaebum’s body, Yoonjeo killed him..” Yoongi spoke with a low voice.

I was speechless, my heart went from hurting to a burning pain as the tears flooded my eyes.


I turned and ran out the room as fast as I could. I made it to an empty hallway and knelt on the floor while crying my heart out.

It's because of me, I made Yoonjeo kill her own brother….I forced her to have to kill her own family….

My body was shaking with the tears, until suddenly two strong arms wrapped around my form from behind me and held me tightly.

It was Jungkook, I could feel him, I could smell his clean scent that always drove me crazy.

“I’m so s..sorry...I messed everything up, I'm such a failure..” I sobbed heavily as he held me tighter.

“You're not a failure, you're an amazing gorgeous woman that I love more than anything.” His voice was soft, yet filled with pain.

I turned around in his arms and finally saw his face, tears were making their way down his cheeks as his eyes stared deeply into mine.

“Yes, but I ruined everything, if I didn't make her get that book, she never would have gone through so much pain….I never would've gone through so much pain.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him closer to me.

SNIPER | K.TH Fanfic/Smut. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now