🔫Chapter Fourteen🔫

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*Yoonjeo POV*

Taehyung has been dragging me through the hospital halls for a few minutes in silence. He has my hand clutched tightly in his and a gun ready in his other hand.

"Taehyung, why are your trying so hard to save me? Why didn't you obey your leader and kill me?" I whisper as we turn a corner and head to a nearby exit.

"Be quiet." He says and pulls me faster.

"It hurts." I say quietly as he continues pulling my hurt shoulder.

Taehyung stops and looks at me with a hint of softness in his eyes. Then in one swift movement he picks me up bridal style and continues walking with me in his arms.

"This isn't what I meant." I say as I try to get out of his arms.

He is about to say something when a door next to us kicks open and the same man that hurt me and Taehyung before steps in holding a gun to us.

Taehyung lets me down and quickly pulls his gun on Yugyeom.

"You really are stupid Taehyung, you're risking the safety of your entire group for a woman." Yugyeom lashes out with venom and begins walking towards us slowly.

"Maybe I am, but one thing is for sure. You're not going to lay a hand on her again." Taehyung says strongly as he pushes me behind him and continues aiming the gun on Yugyeom.

"I highly doubt that, as a matter of fact, I'm gonna have my hands all over her." Yugyeom lowers his gun and motions behind him.

Three other guys come through the door with Jimin and Jin tied restrained and slightly injured. The same guy that I saw in the cafeteria enters after them. He's smiling and staring at me.

"Ah, it's good that you both are here, now, to save time I'm just gonna go ahead and say what's about to go down. You Taehyung, are gonna give us the girl or I put a bullet in these guys heads." The man I assume is Jaebum says slyly with a smile and begins walking to us.

"Don't you fucking touch them." Taehyung grabs me with one hand and points his gun directly at Jaebum.

"Oh, like this?" Jaebum swiftly turns around and punches Jin in the stomach hard. Jin doubles over in pain and slouches to the ground.

"Jaebum you son of a bitch. Don't lay a finger on them!" Taehyung yells and I can see him grabbing my jacket tightly, so much that I can see his veins.

"I don't remember you being like that when you put a bullet through my father's heart." Jaebum says as anger and sadness clouds his eyes. He walks a little bit closer to us and takes a deep breath.

"Did you know that me and my dad had a fight that morning, he wanted to protect me and I got mad at him." His voice is filled with pain and regret.

"The last thing I said to my dad was to 'Get the hell away from me', right before you killed him. I'll never be able to make things right with him now." Jaebum continues and I see tears nearly forming in his eyes.

"So I'm gonna make you go through the same pain I went through. Now choose whether your friends die or your girl becomes mine or else I'm gonna kill all of you right fucking now!" He shouts and pulls a gun on Jin's head.

Taehyung looks at me and I can see this decision is destroying him.

He slowly turns around to me and pulls me tightly to his body.

I start shaking cause I already know what he has decided.

"I will come for you, I swear, even if it kills me, I will find you." Taehyung whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek softly.

I just look into his eyes not knowing what to say. I am helpless in this situation and at the mercy of these men.

"Let Jin and Jimin go, take Yoonjeo." Taehyung speaks up but his voice cracks sorrowfully at the end and my heart hurts hearing it.

"Good choice, and it's also better for us. We would rather have a hot girl like her instead of two dead guys." Jaebum clicks his fingers and a man quickly walks up and grabs me harshly by the arm pulling me over to them.

The other men release Jin and Jimin and start walking away with me. Taehyung looks up to me and mouths 'I will come'.

I look down after seeing Taehyung's face filled with anger and grief.

Will he save me?

"Oh and if you miss her maybe I can send a voice message of her talking or better yet, her moaning." Jaebum yells back while smirking as we head towards the exit together. I look and see Jimin holding Taehyung back from coming to me.

Tears roll down my face as I look up at the strange men who now have control over me.

I'm scared of what they are going to do.

"D...do you have to do this, I didn't want to be a part of any of this." I say weekly as I look up at the man dragging me. The men don't answer me but Jaebum comes closer to me.

"Listen If I didn't have to this, I wouldn't....Just kidding, I actually still would. You see It's been awhile since we've had a new toy, and trust me baby, after a few nights with us, you'll forget who you are and everything that brought you to us."

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