🔫Chapter Twenty-Nine🔫

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*Jin POV*

Hoseok held Yoonjeo in his arms gently as the elevator went up. The blood from her wounds was staining his shirt but he didn't say anything, he was worried and confused and was just patiently waiting till she was okay to start asking questions about the situation.

We walked to Jungkook's door, all of us got new apartments after Jungkook was shot by Jaebum's men. So I knew she would be safe here.

I put the groups default security code in since Jungkook probably didn't have time to change it and the door unlocked with a sharp click. I pushed it open giving Hoseok a nod as he went first with Yoonjeo.

We walked through the landing of the white new apartment and suddenly the sound of glass shattering from deeper inside made me and Hoseok look at each other worriedly.

"I'll go first." I whisper as I pull out my gun silently and slowly walk further into the apartment with Hoseok close behind.

We make it to the main area where the kitchen and dining room is and my mouth drops wide open when I see what caused the noise.

Jungkook and Rose.


On the dining room table.


Me and Hoseok stood there, mouths open in shock, eyes wide with disbelief as we watched our innocent little maknae fuck a girl on the dinner table like there was no tomorrow.

I didn't know what to do. They clearly didn't know me and Hoseok were standing there and Jungkook kept thrusting in her causing even more plates to fall off and break, not to mention she was moaning like crazy so I doubt they would even hear us if we did say anything.

"Fuck, Rose I'm cumming." Jungkook moaned as he pounded into her harder.

I looked over to see Hoseok's eyes widen from the horror and he clutched Yoonjeo closer to him, as if he was protecting her from it.

"Oh my God, yes Jungkook!!" Rose's voice pulled my eyes back to the scene as they climaxed together.

All over the table.

My thoughts were jumbled and all over the place. Disgust, embarrassment, betrayal, and humility was racing through my mind as I silently watched them panting in each other's embrace. Rose's legs were still wrapped around his waist as she sat on the counter tiredly.

There was silence, no one did anything.

Until Jungkook started turning around and his eyes caught mine, widening in shock.

"H..hyung! What are you doing here!?" He yelled as he turned around and stood in front of Rose shielding her nakedness but resulting in us being forced to see his nakedness.

Me and Hoseok both closed our eyes immediately and Hoseok choked as he turned around completely, shaking his head to get the image out of his head.

Rose popped her head from behind Jungkook's shoulder and she screamed when she saw us.

"Detective?" She asked as she grabbed Jungkook's shoulder positioning him better to cover herself.

Jungkook looked even more shocked when he heard that.

"Y..you know each other?" He asked in disbelief and I had to force myself to keep calm.

"Look, we need your help, just go put some clothes on." Then I quickly turned around like Hoseok did and heard them running to the bedroom.

"It's okay Hoseok, we just need to breathe.." I tried to calm down Hoseok as his face turned red from the embarrassment.

"Who is she? And why is she having sex with the maknae!?" He nearly yelled but quieted down when Yoonjeo stirred in his arms.

"Don't worry, we'll treat Yoonjeo's wounds and then we'll make them explain." I took a deep breath and looked around, I spotted a couch and motioned for Hoseok to take her there.

As he did that, I went to the kitchen and started collecting the supplies I would need to treat Yoonjeo.

Water, alcohol for disinfecting the wound, new clean bandages and painkillers...lots of pain killers, I might even have to throw in a bit of soju to keep her calm, after those deep knife injuries.

I might have to drink some soju myself to be able to face Jungkook after that......Utterly profane scene.

How is Rose even with him right now? Didn't Yoongi make her keep her distance from us and shut her mouth?

I force myself to stop thinking about that and to focus on Yoonjeo.

She needs help right now more than anything.

I rush out to the living room and to the couch where Hoseok is slowly taking her blood soaked shirt off.

"Jin, she is sweating terribly, is something wrong?" Hoseok asks me as his eyebrows furrow and he grabs a small blanket to cover her with.

I examine her closely and she is in fact sweating and shaking slightly. I place my hand on her forehead and it's burning hot.

"Shit, it's an infection. The knife Jaebum cut her with must've been dirty. I need antibiotics." I stand up and desperately look around Jungkook's cabinets but can't find anything.

"Hyung what's wrong?" Jungkook asks as he and Rose walk into the kitchen fully clothed.

"Paper." I mumble, looking away from Jungkook while searching in the drawers. I still can't get that image of him out of my head.

"What?" Jungkook asks confused and looks at me.

I finally find paper and a pen and write down the medications I need.

"Get them now." I push the paper in his hands, avoiding looking at him and run back to Yoonjeo. Applying cold water to her head so the fever won't get too hot for her.

"Unnie?" We both turn to Rose who is staring at Yoonjeo with wide eyes.

She starts walking closer and as soon as she sees her face she runs and throws her arms around her.

"Go. Now!" I say sternly to Jungkook and he grabs his wallet, running out the apartment.

I look at Rose as she is hugging Yoonjeo and crying over her.

"Rose, I need to work on her. Can you move please." I look at the sobbing girl as she slowly moves.

"W..what happened to her?!" She asks as she looks down at Yoonjeo in shock.

"An accident. Wrong people, wrong reasons." I answer as I start cleaning her wounds. I can basically see through one where Jaebum stabbed the knife in then ripped it out.

Yoonjeo cries out as I pour alcohol over the two wounds. It's our only option until antibiotics get here.

"Rose, Yoonjeo needs clean clothes." She immediately stands up and rushes to get the clothes.

Hoseok runs his hands through Yoonjeo's hair as he tries to keep her calm. The fever and the wounds are making her worse and pretty soon she starts shaking even more

"Jin I don't know what to do." Hoseok cries out as he looks at me with concern.

"There's nothing else we can do, we've cleaned and disinfected the wounds and keeping the fever from getting too hot. We just need to wait for Jungkook to bring the medicine." I look back down at her and hold her hand firmly to hopefully give her some support.

Rose runs in with a clean blue shirt and plush shorts.

"W..why is she shaking?" She asks as she kneels down and helps put the fresh clothes on her.

"She has an infection, and a bad one. We need the medicine from Jungkook or...."

I clench my jaw as Rose stares into my eyes and Yoonjeo squeezes my hand weakly.

"Her heart could stop."

SNIPER | K.TH Fanfic/Smut. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now