🔫Chapter Thirty-Eight🔫

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*Taehyung POV*

I sat in the cold, empty hospital room staring at her.

She was lying there, pale from all the blood loss, her head was bandaged up from the surgery, and her pulse was still extremely weak.

It's been three days.

Three fucking days, and she hasn't woken up.

How could this happen to her?


I held her tighter to me as I ran into the emergency room, she was still alive but barely breathing. She kept coughing up blood all over my clothes but I didn't care, she needed help.

Namjoon and Jin were yelling for me to slow down but I couldn't afford to slow down. Not with Yoonjeo's life on the line.

"Nurse! Doctor! Someone help!!" I yelled as loud as I could and two nurses burst out the reception booth running to me. As soon as they saw Yoonjeo one ran to call a doctor and the other helped support Yoonjeo's head.

The doctor came in quickly with more nurses wheeling in a hospital bed.

"Put her there, gently." The doctor instructed and very reluctantly I laid her on the bed. I didn't want to let go of her but I had to. I can't watch her die. I can't let her die.

Jin ran in now with Namjoon and Jaebum not far behind. The nurses started moving Yoonjeo and me and Jin quickly followed them.

I tried my best to listen to what the doctor was saying to the other nurses although I couldn't understand most of it.

"There's too much swelling around her eyes, I think it's an intracranial hemorrhage, and the way she's shaking uncontrollably, we might have to do surgery to relieve the pressure." The doctors voice was stressed, he was gripping the side of the bed too tightly and it just made me even more scared.

They finally arrived in front of a large room.with the words 'Operating Theatre' and the doctor turned to us.

"Gentleman, you'll have to stay here while we perform the surgery, I don't know how long it will take or if the patient will make it but I will do my best." He gave us both a strong look and then turned and left, leaving me and Jin standing there staring at the doors that stopped us from seeing whether she would make it or not.

I turned to Jin as I took a step back. "What was he saying Hyung? She has a int...intra?"

"An intracranial hemorrhage...it means she bleeding inside her head Taehyung, and that's not good, the percentage of people that survive, let alone those that are themselves again...it's very low." He gave me a stressed look as he sat down. His head dropped to his hands as he breathed heavily.

I stood there, speechless. She might die, or she might live and be messed up for the rest of her life, and it's all....

It's all Jaebum's fault.

Loud footsteps made me look to the left where Namjoon and Jaebum were running to us.

"Is she okay!?" Jaebum asked as he desperately looked between me and Jin.

"Jaebum, you know something. You're a fucking psychopath among psychopaths." He stared at me absurdly at my words and was about to say something but my fist connected with his jaw smashing him into the wall, and decorating it with his blood.

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