🔫Chapter Thirty-Seven🔫

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*Taehyung POV*

"What!?" Me, Jaebum, Namjoon and Bang Chan all say at the same time as we stared at Yoonjeo in utter disbelief.

"Im Juyoung sent me a package explaining everything...he..he was my dad." I see tears come to her eyes as she looks at Jaebum and her arms start shaking.

"That's impossible! My dad he..he killed my sister!" Jaebum says as he stares at Yoonjeo. I notice his eyes are shiny with tears collecting between them.

My mouth drops wide as I look back and forth from them. They do look kind of similar.

"Everyone thought Im Juyoung killed his second child, but it was never proved." Namjoon says in a low voice as he walks closer to us.

"I think we should leave, you know. Seeing as it's family matters and everything." Bang Chan says quietly as he starts walking back. His other guys also start withdrawing.

I can't say anything. I'm frozen. Jaebum and Yoonjeo are siblings? But yet he did so many terrible and disgusting things to her. Why is she here? Why would she still try to save him when she doesn't even know him?

The room was silent. It was just us and Jaebum's men all staying quiet as everyone tried to work their thoughts out.

"Taehyung..." Her voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I turned and looked at her.

She stood a few feet away from me holding her injured arm where Jaebum's knife had gone through.

This was the first time she actually talked to me on her own without being in a terrible situation.

"Can you...put the gun away. You're scaring me." Her words made something inside me shift and the tears falling down her beautiful face just made me feel even worse.

Was she scared of me hurting her? Or killing Jaebum? Maybe both...

Without hesitation I dropped the gun and pushed it away with my foot.

Rose ran into the room suddenly breathing fast.

"Unnie you can't just leave me in the car like that..." Her voice trailed off when she saw Jungkook and Yoongi on the floor covered in blood and bruises.

She started to run to Jungkook but Yoongi gave her a glare and she backed off.

"Unnie, are you okay?" She asked as she changed direction and walked to Yoonjeo.

"I'm fine, we saved him in time." She says as she leans on the dresser heavily.

Although her words hurt me I instinctively move to support her but she flinches back as soon as my fingers touch her arm.

Our eyes meet and my heart aches. She's looking at me with fear, grief and hate all mixed into one hybrid emotion and it's hurting me so much. I step back a bit and give her space.

Why? Why is she saving him...He doesn't deserve to live. He was going to do terrible things to her and her body. He's a monster no matter what.

"Give me proof." Jaebum says loudly and I can see a tear roll down his cheek.

Why is he even crying? And why doesn't he trust her..

"Here." She throws two pictures on the floor.

Everyone gathers around and stares at them. One is the picture of a couple with a son and baby and the other of a nurse and baby at an orphanage.

The baby looks identical in both pictures.

"That baby was me when I was at the orphanage. I'm your sister. You're my brother, Jaebum." She walked closer to Jaebum and kneeled in front of him and the pictures, gently picking them up.

SNIPER | K.TH Fanfic/Smut. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now