🔫Chapter Twenty-four🔫

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*Taehyung POV*

"There it is." I point to the old warehouse that was once used by Jaebum's dad.

Jin turns off the road into a small side lane in case we need to make a quick exit.

I look back and see Jimin, staring out the window with creased eyebrows.

"Everything okay Hyung?" I raise my eyebrow as I stare at him, he's sweating which is strange for him.

"Y..yeah I'm fine, just worried that they might be here, and even if they're not, when we do finally encounter them we'll be outnumbered." He looks back at me and shakes his head.

"We have to at least check it out." I clench my fist and look back at Jin. He nods to me and we get out the car silently. Pulling out our sidearms, we stealthily make our way around the warehouse and to the back entrance.

Jimin kicks the door open and I rush in searching the place for enemies, it's completely empty.

"There's nothing here, what do we do now?" I say helplessly as I search the place for a clue, for anything that can lead me to Yoonjeo. She's running out of time.

"Wait." Jimin and Jin say at the same time.

I turn to where they're looking and see something scribbled on the ground in small characters.

I rush over and look at it. It's an address, and Yoonjeo's initials in blood.

"I..it's an address, and Yoonjeo..." My gaze shoots up as I look to Jin for help.

"Taehyung, it's a trap." He gives me a stern look as he shakes his head.

"Yes, but I have to at least try, maybe I can make a deal." I go closer to Jin and stare at him, praying he'll support me to get to her.

"Maybe we can find a way to extract her secretly?" Jimin speaks up and looks at us.

I look back to Jin quickly. "If we find a way then we go, if it goes south we call Namjoon." He strongly says and looks at me questioningly.

"Of course." I nod, agreeing quickly.


"So that's the address? An abandoned strip club?" I stare at Jin in disbelief as he shows me the location on the laptop.

"Yeah, what better place for a bunch of horny gangsters to hang out?" Jimin blurts out as he sits on the hood of the car.

I shoot him an angry look and he shuts up.

"There's only two entrance points, one at the back and one at the front. But what gets me is that the building is relatively small, there's no way a whole gang could hold up there unless there was an underground element." Jin looks at me with stress and confusion.

"Can't you bring up the building plans from the shire records?" I move closer to him and he nods quickly.

"Here we go." He says after a few minutes of hacking the storage servers. "There, the club is connected to a whole underground circuit, Damn, my best guess was it was used for trafficking and forcing girls to act as strippers. There's no other reason to have such a route that even leads to the docks." Jin's voice is strained as he talks.

"Can we get in from an underground way then?" I stare at the map scanning every possible way to get in.

"Yes, a sewer maintenance tunnel, it would lead straight to the main hub." Jin nods to me and I stand, hitting Jimin's shoulder to get him to move.

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