🔫Chapter Eleven🔫

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*Taehyung POV*

I'm currently in the elevator going down to our headquarters. Sweat is running down my forehead as I keep thinking about Namjoon's message. He rarely sends private messages saying to come immediately, unless something bad happened.

I wipe my sweat off with the back of my hand as I step through the elevator doors and see all the guys talking in the sitting area.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I move towards the group.

Hoseok looks at me with a stressed face and motions to the couch.

As soon as I get close I see Jungkook holding his arm which is covered in blood, and Jin cleaning the wound out.

"What happened to Jungkook!?" I yell as I run up and look at him more closely.

It looks like a bullet wound, and from the way Jungkook is groaning in pain, it must have been deep.

"Im fucking Jaebum happened." Namjoon says as he throws a clear bag with a gold bullet inside on the table. "He or one of his thugs shot Jungkook right as he got home, which means the bastard knew where he lived, so he might know where we all live now!" Namjoon yells and bangs his hands on the work bench.

"J..Jaebum might know where we live?" I repeat the words as I try to comprehend it.

"Yes Taehyung, after we killed his dad Im Juyoung, he somehow found out and now he is hell-bent on getting revenge. Which means none of our homes are safe anymore." Yoongi says quickly.


Oh Yoonjeo.

Oh Yoonjeo is home alone, and Jaebum might find her.

I have to make sure she is safe.

"Guys, I'll be back soon. there's something I need to take care of." I say quickly and start to head to the door.

"What? Tae No! It's not safe outside, we need to create a plan." Namjoon yells and stands up.

"It'll just take a second, I left the stove on!" I run out full speed and jump into the elevator pressing the button as fast as I possibly can.

The last thing I see is Namjoon and Jin running towards the elevator, yelling as the door closes.

As soon as I get topside I sprint to my car and take off towards my apartment. If Jaebum gets his hands on Yoonjeo he will hurt her for sure. I cannot let that happen.

She is mine.

She is my girl, and she made me feel again.

I need to save her no matter what.

As soon as I reach the building I dash in the elevator and press the button. I reach back and realise I didn't the bring my sidearm, all I have is my combat knife. It will have to do.

As soon as the elevator doors open I hear screaming from inside my apartment.

"Shit! Yoonjeo!" I run in and kick the door open.

I see a man with a mask holding Yoonjeo up on a wall choking her with both hands around her neck. She is kicking and grabbing at him but I know her strength is leaving her.

Without even thinking I throw my knife as hard as I can, and it lodges solidly in the head of the guy who is choking Yoonjeo. They both fall to the ground and she starts coughing violently.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I run to her and kneel in front of her.

"M..more g..guys..." She says in a hoarse voice and continues coughing.

By the time I register what she said it's too late, a sharp impact to my head violently knocks me down.

I lay helplessly on the ground, with my head spinning and not even being able to move a single muscle.

I see a man, with yellow hair and a long knife kneel down in front of me.

"So you killed Jaebum's father huh?...well, an eye for an eye right? So let's see how much blood I can drain from this pretty little girl." He says evilly as he starts moving towards Yoonjeo.

"Get away from me!" She screams but her voice is hoarse and she is too weak to even move away.

The man grabs and pushes her harshly to the floor as he mounts her.

She starts to cry out at this and does her best to push him off but it's useless. This guy is way too strong for her.

"Shh, don't cry sweetheart, it only hurts in the beginning, then, the more blood you lose, the more your feeling goes away." He says as he slides the knife over her chest.

"D... don't you fucking touch her...or I'll rip your head off." I manage to speak out, amidst the pain in my head and the blood clouding my vision.

"Very threatening, but you can't really do anything to me right now can you?" He slowly starts cutting Yoonjeo's shirt in half.

"P..please..I beg you, don't do this to me." Yoonjeo pleads as more tears fall from her eyes.

"Sorry darling, you're too beautiful for this but business is business. You know, maybe I won't kill you though." He says as starts to laugh. "Maybe I'll carve my name into your delicate body and let Taehyung live with it." His laugh grows louder as he closes his eyes and imagines it.

"Yes, Kim Yugyeom would look beautiful on your sweet body, in cursive scars." He licks his lips as he rips her shirt off completely and places his knife at the top of her chest.

"No!! Don't you dare!! Hurt me instead, but don't touch her!!" I yell as loud as I can and try my best to get up.

"Actually." Yugyeom stops and looks at me with a crazy look.

"Seeing as you're so willing to act, I'll make you do the honors."

SNIPER | K.TH Fanfic/Smut. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now