🔫Chapter Forty-One🔫

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*Taehyung POV*


Thick, red blood.....everywhere...

The chains around his arms and legs were so tight I saw the little blood that was still in his body draining from them.

"T...Taehyung...s..stop.." His voice was was almost unreadable as he choked on the blood and saliva in his throat.

"No Yugyeom, I stop when you tell me where Jaebum is and what he's planning." I slowly started to push the sharp blade into the middle of his chest and he started screaming again.

His body was spasming and his eyes were red and watery.

"He...he's not planning anything.." He looked up to me pleading with his eyes but it didn't affect me.

I'm going back to the way I was. Yoonjeo proved that I shouldn't have emotions..they are a waste of time and energy and they just screw me over in the end.

It's good that she hates me, we're not supposed to be together and never will.

"I know he is planning something. Someone has downloaded the schematics of the whole cities infrastructure. Not to mention, a new gun dealer has appeared that's only selling to one gang. Jaebum's. So tell me now, or else I'll rip your body up so bad that no one will ever look at you again." I held the knife threateningly to him and stared into his eyes.

I need to know what Jaebum is planning. It's true that Yoonjeo hates me but...I still need to protect her. I can't handle if she gets hurt anymore.

"I...I really don't know anything." His voice was quiet and he looked away from me.

I know he's lying.

"Well then, I guess I'll just continue this. I've already got T, A and E so only five letters left to carve into you." I slowly started to cut the H from the top of his stomach and he just started screaming and shaking more.

"This brings back memories....You, about to do the same thing to Yoonjeo who was just an innocent girl caught up in our fight...well, now I'm returning the favour to you." I started to cut the 'Y' directly above his stomach going even deeper than the others.

He knew if I went any deeper it would kill him.

"Ok, ok!! Stop and I'll tell you everything." His voice was desperate and I immediately pulled back.

I knew he would tell me the truth now.

"Jaebum....He's getting ready.....ready to take Yoonjeo back, to force her to live with him somewhere out of Korea." He was struggling to speak from all the pain and I just sat back in both anger and disbelief.

Even after I told him to stay away...the bastard is still planning to take her.

"Where is he?" I clenched my teeth and looked at Jaebum vicously.

"Wear and Fair clothes factory...he knows the owner so that's where he's getting prepared." He threw his head back as he breathed deeply and started to relax his muscles from pulling on the chains so tightly.

"Thank you for your willingness Yugyeom, I will be sure to let Jaebum know." His head shot up and his eyes widened but it was too late, I had already turned the knife around in my hand and sliced his throat clean through.

The blood sprayed out as he gasped for oxygen. His body was failing, he stared me down one last time before the life left his eyes and his body fell limp against the chains.

I stared at his bloody, lifeless body.

It felt bad, I felt wrong for doing that to him, but it's all cause of Jaebum. If he didn't hurt Yoonjeo so much none of this would've happened.

I'm going to take him down.

I don't care anymore if Yoonjeo gets hurt, I lost my whole family at the age of seven. She can lose a brother that she's never known and that tortured and abused her.

I will kill you Jaebum...

You're going to die by my hands...

SNIPER | K.TH Fanfic/Smut. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now