🔫Chapter Thirty-Five🔫

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*Taehyung POV*

We were headed back to the truck after scoping the place. Me, Jimin and Namjoon took one side while Hoseok, Jungkook and Jin scouted the other side.

"What did you see?" Namjoon asked as we all met back at the truck.

"Nothing, they're either in the main building or they're not here." Jin answered as he wiped sweat from his forehead with his long sleeve.

Jungkook looked nervous as he stood in front of Namjoon.

"Are we going to go in?" I ask as I grab my Vector.

"Yes, listen up guys. Me, Taehyung and Jin will go first, the rest of you follow with Yoongi at the back. Kill on sight, let's not give the bastards a chance to shoot us." Namjoon's voice was strong and clear and we all nodded in agreement.

"Yoongi let's go." I knocked on his window and he opened the door quickly.

"I know Taehyung, you don't have to tell me." He pushed Jungkook with his shoulder as he walked by me.

I looked at Jungkook and saw him staring at Yoongi with hate in his eyes.

Oh wait, didn't Yoongi hurt the girl he loves, Rose? Damn, I never thought those two would be on such bad terms.

"You good?" Jin's voice pulls me out of my thoughts and I nodded to him.

"Let's go kill those bastards."


We had crept into the building, there were three levels which was making things more difficult but there's no way we're giving up.

I'm going to kill Jaebum, he hurt her so much, he is not going to ever see her again. I'll make sure of that.

"Namjoon, stairs." I whispered to him as I motioned to the staircase.

This level was already empty, Hoseok and Jin made sure of that.

Namjoon made the symbol for us to move up and we split into the two teams going up two different staircases.

As soon as we made it up the stairs I brought my gun ready to fire but just saw Jin and the others on the other side of the room.

I quickly looked around, there was broken glass and torn books littering the floor everywhere.

On the wall was a cross covered in blood and the leader of Pentagon's ring nailed to the middle of it.

I stared at it as the guys circled around me and Namjoon, we all had our guns at the ready.

I turned around and was about to say something to Namjoon but heard a faint creak on the third floor.

It was extremely quiet and I almost couldn't make out whether it was actually a creak but Namjoon and Jimin looked up too which confirmed they heard something as well.

I raised my eyebrow in question to Namjoon and he motioned to the stairs, we were about to turn and go but Yoongi grabbed Namjoon and stopped him.

"What?" Namjoon whisper shouted at Yoongi as we all watched closely.

"I forgot to tell you, we can't kill Jaebum." He whispered back and stared at Namjoon.

We all looked in shock at what he just said.

"Yoongi, the whole purpose of this mission is to kill Jaebum, he'll keep coming for Yoonjeo if we don't take him out." I said a little louder.

What is wrong with this guy? Does he enjoy messing things?

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