🔫Chapter Twenty-Six🔫

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*Taehyung POV*

My hand was clutching my gun so tightly I thought it might break. Every muscle in my body was straining to run and go to her side.

To kill those men that dared put their hands on her.

To take her away from all this and let her know that everything is going to be okay.

"It's not nice to snoop you know."

I spin around, gun at the ready to the voice, but my aim falls slightly when I see Jaebum, Jinyoung, and a few thugs holding guns on the three of us.

"You know, the good thing about these underground tunnels, is that there are little shortcuts everywhere. We were following you the whole time from the warehouse." Jaebum says as he walks over to Jin and grabs his shoulder tightly.

"I'm pretty sure this already happened once, but a little deja vu doesn't hurt." He laughs then he grabs Jin's neck and punches him in the stomach again.

"You son of a bitch!" I run to Jaebum and punch him in the face. He moves back from the force but I keep running forward and slam him into the wall with my shoulder.

"You're going to pay for hurting her!" I spit out as I wrap my hands around his neck and try to choke him.

Before I can even get a strong grip, his guys circle around me and pull me off him forcing me to the ground as they step on my arms, trapping me there.

"You've got fight in you kid, but not enough. I'll always win." Jaebum stretches his sore neck to the side as he walks to me.

"Jaebum, don't touch him." Jimin says warningly as he pulls at the guys holding him.

"Oh, I'm not going to just touch him, I'm going to hurt him. Bad." I look up and the last thing I see is Jin struggling out of Jinyoung's grasp and the back of Jaebum's gun swinging towards me as I black out.


*Yoonjeo POV*

I kneel there, frail and weak from exhaustion. The only thing keeping my body from dropping to the ground was my arms being chained up to the pillars.

I struggled to breath through my burning throat after the men kept thrusting inside it so forcefully. Shooting there cum in my mouth then forcing me to swallow it after someone else forced themself inside.

Hot tears slowly fell down my face as shame and fear swirled around inside me making me sick. Luckily, my long hair fell in front of my face like a curtain, saving me from having to look at them.

"Look alive princess, you have a visitor." Jaebum's voice startles me and I look up quickly.

My eyes widen in shock and my heart drops in fear.

Jaebum's men are dragging in a limp Taehyung, with blood oozing from a wound on his head and dripping down onto his face.

They bring in Jimin and Jin soon after and they look at me with anger and anxiety as they struggle to get out of the ropes binding their hands.

I kneel there in shock, nothing comes to my mind. The image of Taehyung's blood covered face is stuck in my brain as if someone stamped it there.

He actually tried to...save me?

The rest of Jaebum's men come in and send out the lower gunmen.

"Ok, someone wake up the silver prince." Jaebum says as he sits down in a chair, playing with his gun.

Jackson stands up with a smirk as he runs up and kicks Taehyung viciously in the side.

I scream in horror as I see Taehyung spit out blood and roll over groaning in pain.

Jackson walks over and grabs him by his hair, forcing him to sit up.

"Show a little respect, you Chinese bitch." Jimin spits out as he glares at Jackson furiously.

Jackson is about to lunge at him but Jaebum clears his throat and shoots him a warning look.

"Isn't this just romantic, the knight comes swooping in to save his princess. Well, more like dragged in." They start laughing at Jaebum's joke and Taehyung's head drops to the ground as his jaw twitches and his long silver hair gets drenched by his blood and sweat. He's closing and opening his eyes constantly and shaking his head. He must be really hurt.

I move to examine him better and my chains rattle causing his head to shoot to my direction.

His eyes widen when he sees me and he tries to come closer to me, but falls to the ground heavily.

"Y...Yoonjeo..." His voice is hoarse and weak and his face tenses in pain as he tries to pull himself to me. More blood falls out his mouth and his hands tremble as he tries to drag himself to me.

"Taehyung stop!!" I cry out as tears fall from my eyes. My heart hurts so much when I see him like that. Hurt and in pain.

I don't even know why, he caused all this to happen to me, but still, almost every second of me being held here, my mind was filled with him. His voice. His smell. I hate him, but I can't stop thinking about him.

I can't believe he really came here...for me.

"Well, now that the love birds are reunited, let's get down to business." Jaebum's voice pulls my gaze away from Taehyung and I see him walking towards me with a long knife.

"I've heard that this girl holds your heart Taehyung, so theoretically, if I hurt her, it would be like hurting you yet you get to stay awake so we can watch your pain and regret." He crouch's in front of me and holds the knife to my arm.

"Now, let's see what we can do to you two." And then, the room is filled with screams. And only after a few moments do I realise it's me screaming, in pure, burning pain as Jaebum's knife cuts deep into my arm, ripping the skin and muscle.

My head falls down as my mouth hangs open in shock. My arm starts spasming from the deep wound and I hear Taehyung yelling at Jaebum.

"If you touch her again I am going to rip your hands off!!" He yells while struggling to get out of Jackson's grip. His eyes are burning with rage as he looks at Jaebum and if there was any pain in him, it was now replaced with anger.

His eyes shift to me and when he sees the blood dripping from my arm his face changes. He is still angry by a look of guilt and remorse like no other are now present.

"One cut is not enough. It's kind of like math." Jaebum looks at me as he smiles crazily.

"What you do to one side, you have to do to the other." And then I feel my vocal muscles tearing as I scream in agony. I don't even know what he did but my mind starts to blank out from the pain and white fills my vision as the burning torture fills every part of my body.

My head drops down as my last ounce of energy leaves me. My body hangs there with a small pool of blood collecting under me from my wounds.

"See this is the worst wound to inflict because it's not really finished." I look up faintly at Jaebum's words and realise why it was so painful.

His knife has been lodged in my arm going through the muscle and bone with the tip sticking out the other side of my arm.

"Jaebum don't you dare--" Taehyung punches the ground as the knife is ripped out of my arm. I open my mouth to scream but no sound comes out, my body just starts trembling in pain and I slowly start to black out.

"Yoonjeo...stay awake!" I weakly turn my head to Taehyung and see him struggling to get to me. His eyes never leave mine as my vision starts clouding.

"We'll resume this when you wake up princess."

And then... everything goes black.

SNIPER | K.TH Fanfic/Smut. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now