🔫Chapter Twenty-Five🔫

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*Hoseok POV*

"Where the fuck is Taehyung? And where the FUCK did that black haired rat Jungkook go, and HOW THE FUCK DID YOU LOSE YOONGI!!!" Namjoon stares at me angrily after yelling in my face.

"N..Namjoon, It's--"

"No Hoseok, no excuses, you lost Yoongi....He's a full grown man with green hair for crying out loud!! And don't get me started on Jungkook, You let him slip by you when he escaped my office. Like there's no one here and we don't have a single clue why!!! Explain that!!" He bangs the table and clenches his fists. I hate when Namjoon is angry...he can be very violent when he's angry.

"I don't know, okay!! I....everyone has been acting strange, so something must have been going on. I mean, you saw what Taehyung did the other day, he had a fit over..over some elevator music!! And that's the same Taehyung who didn't even flinch when Jooheon held a gun to his head two years ago!" I sit down on the small nearby chair and put my head in my hands. It's just me and Namjoon left at head quarters, even Jin is gone without saying anything.

I hear Namjoon breathe in deeply.

"I'm sorry Hoseok, I shouldn't have put all that on you, this is my fault. As the leader I should have done better." Namjoon leans again the table and heavily sighs as he closes his eyes and leans his head back.

We both stay there in silence thinking about what to do.

After a while I stand up suddenly, I know what we can do.

"Namjoon, let's see if they used any of the computers, I'll pull up the history and maybe we can make out their location." Namjoon perks up when he hears me and his face changes to a more hopeful one.

We both hurry over to the computer, and I start working on it. Luckily I'm the hacker of the group so if it's anything related to electronics, I can do it.

I search through dozens of files and finally, I see one folder named 'horse.'

Kim fucking Seokjin.

Namjoon hovers over my shoulder, intently watching me as I open the folder and look at the contents.

"There, right there. Someone was last heading to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Seoul. Wait, is that..." I trail off as I lean in closer to the map.

"Im Juyoung's old place, we busted one of his drug deals there." Namjoon's jaw twitches angrily as he stares at the monitor.

"Get the keys." He grabs his jacket and Desert Eagle and turns toward the elevator walking there fastly.

I run and get the keys to our truck and also a Glock G29. I sprint to Namjoon and make it in as he closes the door.

"Why do you think they went there?" I ask while looking at Namjoon through the reflection of the metal elevator doors.

"I don't know, but I'm guessing it's related to when Taehyung went back to his apartment to 'supposedly' get some personal files." The elevator opens and we step out to the car park.

"I'm driving." Namjoon looks at me and I throw him the keys. He catches them and soon we're speeding down back roads to get to the warehouse.

"I should've known something was off, Taehyung doesn't have personal files, I mean the man hasn't even done anything beside the job for his whole life." Namjoon clutches the wheel and shakes his head.

He's angry and disappointed in himself. He always strives to be the perfect leader but sometimes things go differently.

"Namjoon, they're getting older and smarter, they're bound to go their own way every now and then, you can't control them or keep tabs on them all the time." I look to Namjoon and see him focusing on the road. I know he hears me but he doesn't want to. He wants to hate himself he thinks that will be a good way to punish himself.

"I'm more worried about Jin though, if he came across anyone dangerous they could take him out by just offering him some food." I say while laughing slightly to and lighten the stressful mood.

Namjoon doesn't react but just keeps driving faster through the winding back roads and alleys that sprawl across this area like a giant cobweb.

"You know it's strange--"

"We're here." Namjoon cuts me off as he pulls the car to an abrupt stop directly in front of the warehouse and gets out.

"Talk about stealth." I mumble as I get out and follow him to the entrance.

We stand in front of the heavy doors securing the warehouse. I look at them then turn to Namjoon.

"I think I have a pair of bolt cutters in the--"

He completely ignores me and takes a step back then rushes forward and kicks the giant metal doors. Whatever was holding them snaps as they fling open.

"Or....you could just kick it." The power in Namjoon's legs is no joke.

We both bring our guns up ready to shoot but lower them when we see the place is empty.

"They didn't come here?" I look to Namjoon with a raised eyebrow.

"More like this wasn't the only stop on their little....'adventure'." His voice comes out bitter and he walks to the edge of the room.

"Hoseok, I think we just found where they are." I look and see Namjoon staring at the ground. I jog over to him and see what he's referring to.

"That address, it's the old strip club a few miles away." I stare at the writing more closely.

Namjoon's about to say something but then stops and looks at me with disbelief.

"What? I had to go there for research purposes." I answer and try to avoid his searching gaze.

There is an awkward silence between us for a few seconds.

"Story for another day, anyway..." He cocks his head to the side as he examines the words more.

"Who is O.YJ? And why are their initials here?" Namjoon looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Wait a minute....O.YJ? Oh Yoonjeo? The girl we assassinated?" My mouth drops open as everything starts to make sense. Taehyung. Them disappearing. it was all for her?

Namjoon clenches his fists and closes his eyes.

"I'm gonna kill Taehyung, bring him back to life, then kill him again."

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