🔫Chapter Three🔫

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*Yoonjeo POV*

"Ok, so let me get this straight Rose. Your friend is the son of the professor and he somehow managed to find out that you guys are going to have a surprise quiz, exam thingy at the end of classes today?" I say into the phone as I sit on the bench outside the shopping center.

"Yes! And I need a certain book so I can do a quick study over it!!" Rose says desperately over the line.

"Why can't you borrow the book from someone else?" I say with a tired sigh.

"Do you know how long it will take for me to find someone with that certain book!!? Not to mention I can't blow my friends cover." She responds quickly.

This is so silly.

"Where do I get this book?" I ask as I stand up.

"A library should have it." She responds with a happy tone.

"Oh no. Rose, all the libraries are closed this Sunday." I say quietly.

"Yes, but you used to work part time at the one down the street so maybe you could sneak in and get the book?" She says quickly with a pleading tone. Has she been planning this!?

"You want me to break into the Library and steal a book?!" I say back in shock.

"Unnie please!! I can't get a bad mark, it will leave a stain on my acting future. You know I would do the same for you!!" She begs.

It's true, Rose would easily do this if I asked. Still I have a really bad feeling about this. How can I break the law for a book? She is my best friend though and I want to do anything for her if she really needs it.....

"I don't know Rose." I say hesitantly as I look at the Library down the street. It's an old building hidden away by overgrown plants and I know I can easily get in, but what if I get caught?

"Please, please Unnie!! I beg you, do this for me and I will let you sleep in as much as you want!!" She says over the over line and it sounds like she is about to cry. I mean it isn't the first time I have done something like this so it can't be that bad right?

"You promise you will let me sleep in Rose?" I say again to confirm what she said.

"Yes!! I promise!!" She answers back quickly.

"Send me the details of the book and I'll meet you outside the college in 25 minutes." I  say quickly as I begin walking to the Library. Shopping can wait. Gotta do this for those precious morning hours she always interrupts.

"Thank you so much Unnie. I will never forget this." Rose says with an extremely happy tone.

"Yeah you better not." I say as I hangup and sneak up to the Library. I look to make sure the coast is clear and slide through the small metal gate the leads to the back of the building. I did work here before and I know I can get in through the window above the Janitors room. It's small but I am very slim so I can squeeze through.

'Can't believe I'm doing this' I think to myself as I stand in front of the window.

This library is made of brick so there are indents in the building where I can climb up. I quickly open the window and slide through the small gap. I turn and grab the edge for support as I gently ease my body to the floor and quietly walk out to the main area.

"Just like a ninja." I say to myself as I pull out my phone and see that she sent the details.

Respect for Acting by Uta Hagen.

I turn on the flashlight in my phone and head to the main center part of the library with all the books. I walk throught the hallway and am nearly there when I stop abruptly and stand completely still.

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