Chapter 22

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**Nialls POV**

I wait patiently for Dawn to answer the phone.

"Hello?" She answers sleepily

"Dawn, this is Maria's dad. Do you know what's wrong with her, because something made her depressed and she cut herself." She gasped over the phone and she started to cry.

"I didn't know she would do something like that. Is she alright?"

"Yeah, she's resting in the hospital. Now, what did you tell her?" My voice is getting sterner and she's annoying me everytime she tries to change the subject.

"Me and my boyfriend went to see a movie, and we saw this dude named Jason, who she has a huge crush on, well he was at the movies cheating on her."

"I thought they weren't together." God, this is confusing.

"He found a way to make her forgive him and she fell for it."

"What did he do?"

"He- uh- he..."

"Spit it out!!"

"He had sex with her, during school in his car."

I hanged up the phone and went to Harry to get my keys.

"What's wrong, lad?" I just walked away not answering his question. That sick bastard stole my daughter's virginity and he just leave her for another girl. If I see his fucking face I will cut his fucking balls off and stick it up his ass.

I drive to the nearest bar, and ordered some whiskey. I had five glasses and I was getting to point of being drunk when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Niall, this is Anaïs."

"Wow!! I must be drunk."

"No, you're not drunk. You are actually talking to me. You need to stop drinking."

"I can't. I thought I was protecting her when actually I find out a boy fucks her and just goes to another girl. I can't take care if her. I think I should just give her to another family, so she can live a easy life."

"Don't say that. She needs you, not a different family. You're the only thing she has left."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Do whatever you want to do to protect her, but don't give her to someone else."

"But how can I protect her when I'm hardly home and she always sneaks out to go to some party and drinks."

"Put locks on the doors and windows and make visits at her school."

"Okay. I miss seeing you. I wish you were still here. You always know what to do, when things go wrong."

"I miss you too."

"I wish I could see you."

"I'll show up."

She hangs up the phone and I make my way to the door. I stumbled a little bit, but I was fine. I drove back to the hospital and went into Maria's room. Harry fell asleep sitting by her side and he was holding her hand. I went to shake Harry lightly.

"Yeah?" He asks wiping his eyes with his hand.

"You can go back to my house. I'll call you tomorrow morning, when you can come and get us."

"Okay." He leaves the room and Maria twitches in her sleep. I move her hair out of her face and I sing her a song.


"Shh... go back to sleep, Princess." She goes to sleep and grabs my hand and twitches again.

"Daddy, I can't sleep. I keep having a nightmare."

"Would you like to tell me about it?"

"Umm... I don't know."

"Okay, just try to think about what makes you happy."


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