Chapter 18

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---------------Chloe's POV---------------

All I remember is a loud crash and Patrick screaming my name. I wake up and I'm in a hospital bed with a needle on my arm. I tried to get up, but my leg is hurting and I have a massive headache.




"I'm right here." I find his voice and he is sitting by the bed holding my hand. He moved my hair out of my face.

"What happened?"

"I wasn't paying attention to the road and a car hit us on your side. You have a concussion and your femur is broken." Oh god.

I lifted the sheets up and my thigh was wrapped up in a cast. The doors open and in comes Harry.

"Look who's finally awake. How you feeling?"

"My leg hurts and I have a headache."

Patrick hands me some blue tabs and a glass of water. I take the medicine and the pain is kind of going away.

"How did they get me out I the car?"

--------------Anaïs' POV---------------

The car came out of nowhere and hit Patrick's car. The car crashed into the passenger side and crushed Chloe's leg. The airbag came in high speed and hit Chloe's face hard, enough for her to bounce her head off the seat and knock her out cold.

Patrick shakes her. "Chloe?! Chloe?! Come on?!"

"Hey man!! You didn't see me coming?! You need some fucking gl-!"

When he was talking shit, Patrick got of the car and limped to the man. He punched him making him fall to the ground.

The ambulance and fire department came to the scene. Chloe's body was stuck in the car. The firefighters had to break the door off and pull Chloe's body out.

"What the hell happened?" Harry comes running down the street. He bends down beside Chloe's body and wipes her cheek.

"Who do you think you are touching my fiancé?"

"I'm trying I be a good friend."

"I'm her fiancé, so get out of here. She doesn't need you she needs me. I've been I her life longer than you."

"You were never there."

"I was there when her dad died, when her mom abused her, and when you abandoned her when she was carrying your baby. I had to walk the halls of the school missing her face because of you!!"

"She told you about me."

"Yeah and I thought she just moved I a different school, but when I found out it was because of you I want to kick your ass even more!!"

The cops pull them apart when they were punching and kicking each other. They put Chloe in the back of the ambulance and Patrick joined her holding her hand.

"Everything is gonna be okay."

I went inside the ambulance and Chloe's soul was inside to.

"You're gonna have to choose."

"I know, but who?"

"Choose what you heart wants you I be with. Patrick-the football star who you've known since middle school or Harry-the famous singer who can never stop thinking about you."

"Thanks for making everything harder for me." She says sarcastically.

"Hey that's my job. I gotta go now."

"Please stay. I need you here with me."

"I'm sorry I can't."

I walk away from her and watch as they drive farther away.

"I wish I could stay with you." A tear falls down my face.

----------------Niall's POV---------------

We get into the room and I see Patrick next to Chloe holding her hand. Thank God Chloe's moving.

"Hey there." I kiss her forehead.


"How you feeling?" Why would I ask her that when I know the answer?

"I'm just hurting that's all."

"Woah!! Uncle Harry where did you get that black eye?"

"Nowhere in particular." He glares at Patrick and Patrick glares at him back.

"Can't you just feel the tension in this room?"

No one says anything, then Chloe says something. Thank you the awkwardness is now shrinking.

"Can you give me and Patrick a minute, please?"

"Sure. C'mon Harry, C'mon Maria."

We walk out I the room and I hear Chloe scream.

"What the hell?!"

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