Chapter 51

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**Maria's POV**

I sat on the ledge of the window, string at the stars in the sky. Nights like these jut make all the stress go away. I just sat there and thought about everything. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in?" I never took my eyes off the sky.

"How you feeling?" It was my dad.

"Just a little stressed out and very hungry." I heard him chuckle and he was now sitting by me. "What happens if we can't see each other anymore and he'll never be there for our baby?" I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

"I don't know what to say about that, but just try to think about something else."

"I really can't." He pulled me into a hug. "Can you tell me the story about my birth?" I looked up at his eyes."

"Sure, princess. First let's get you into bed." I nodded and got into my bed. He used his crutches and sat on my desk chair. He tucked me into bed and kissed my forehead.


Niall held onto his wife's hand. She was going through contractions. The nurses came in and checked on her every once in a while to see if it was time for her to push the babe out.

She screamed in pain and squeezed hard on Niall's hand.

"Get this demon out of me!!" She said through clenched teeth.

"Hold on, baby. Just a couple more minutes." She grabbed onto his collar and pulled his face close to hers.

"I can't wait a couple more minutes. I need her out now!!" She screamed in his face. Niall looked terrified. "Go get a fucking nurse. NOW!!"

"Yes ma'am." She pushed him away and he ran out of the room. "Nurse!! I need a nurse!!"

"Yes sir?" He ran towards the nurse. "What's wrong?"

"She says she wants it out. Now." He pulled her to the room. They went in and Anaïs was screaming in pain.

"Okay, Anaïs. I think she's ready to come out." The nurse sat in front of her and put her hands under the sheets. "Push!!"

Anaïs screamed louder and squeezed Niall's hand harder. She pushed and pushed and finally her little girl was put. The nurse let Niall cut the umbilical cord and gave him the baby, who was now wrapped in a pink blanket.

"You did it, babe." He whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead. "Here's your baby girl." He gave her the baby.

"What's her name?" The nurse asked them.

"Maria Denise Horan." She smiled down at the cute little girl. She gave the Maria to Niall to hold and she went to sleep.

"Hi there, princess. I'm your dady." She grabbed onto his finger and put it in her mouth. She fell asleep and Niall carried her out to the waiting area.

"There he is." Louis said and everyone ran towards him. Everyone as in, Louis, Eleanor, Zayn, Perrie, Liam, Sophia, and Harry.

"Aww...she looks just like her mother. Can I hold her?" Eleanor asked. Niall nodded and put her in her arms. "Look at her, Lou."

"She's adorable. Congrats, man." He rubbed the small child's head softly.

"Can her god-father hold her now?" Harry said from behind.

"Of course." Eleanor gave her to Harry.

"Oh my god. She's so light." Harry said and kissed her forhead.

Everyone held her and Harry always wanted to hold her. Niall took her back to the room and put her in the little bed. He looked at both of his special girls and smiled.

"My girls." He whispered and took a seat by Anaïs. He grabbed her hand and kissed it, before falling asleep.

**Flasback Ends**

"Where was I born at?" I asked in curiosity.

"You were born in California." He smiled. "When we left to continue our tour, you were so tan." He chuckled.

I smiled and yawned. "Goodnight, daddy."

"Night, princess." He kissed my forehead and hopped out of my room.

I thought about the story he just told me. What if Jason can't help me with the baby? Do I want to keep this baby? I need to see him and I know one person, who I can trust.

"Hello?" She's still up.

"Dawn, can you come pick me up and take me somewhere?"

"Yeah. I'll meet you down the street."

"Okay, bye." I quickly got dressed in a jogging outfit and climbed out the window. I ran down the street and saw Dawn's black convertible.

"Where to?" She drove down the street.

"The jailhouse and hurry." She drove to the jailhouse and we were in luck. "Wait in the car and I'll be right back."

"Okay, hurry."

I ran inside and asked to see Jason. He told me to go sit at a table and wait. Minutes later, I see a familiar face running over to me from the door. I got up and ran into his arms. He held onto me so tight, afraid to let me go.

"Oh god, I missed you so much." He said in my hair.

"I missed you too." I kissed his lips and hugged him tighter.

"No physical contact!!" We heard one if the guards say from behind us. We laughed and sat down at a table.

"I'm sorry we had to put you through this. If I could take back everything we did to you, I would do it." A tear was falling down his cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

"It's not your fault. None of this is. I'm not happy about all the things both you and Jared did to me, but I forgive you."

"Thank you." He took my hand in his and kissed it. "So how's the little rascal doing in there." He reached over and pat my stomach.

"Alright, but it's getting very hungry lately."

"When are you going to check what it is?"

"In three weeks, but I'll make sure to come here and tell you the gender. I know I haven't visited, but my dad kept me locked up in the house. Luckily, Dawn was able to bring me here."

"That's alright."

We talked, until my time was up. We have each other a hug and a kiss, and the same guard yelled at us. I walked out of the room and went inside the car. That's when all the tears were coming out.

"Oh, Maria. Please don't cry." Dawn pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek. "Now, let's get you home before your dad finds out you're gone."

I nodded and she hugged me one more time. We were back home and I snuck back into my room. I cried and cried, until I was asleep.

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