Chapter Twelve: Possibility of Metanoia

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Thank you Life_raceR for the fabulous cover!

Song: Speed of Sound

Artist: Coldplay

Possibility of Metanoia


The elevator ride felt like an eternity yet I stared straight ahead at the doors. I hated that they were mirrors because I noticed Blake's stare on me. When we locked eyes, his jaw tightened, and he soon turned away.

"You didn't have to do that," I whispered to which he let out a huff.

"It's bullsh*t that they wouldn't let you in because you're in a wheelchair." He muttered, and it was my turn to huff and roll my eyes.

"It wasn't that, but you still shouldn't have done it." I raised my voice as Blake lowered his gaze and squinted his eyes. I bit the inside of my cheek as he walked around so that he stood in front of me. I didn't look up though, but I felt his stare as he towered over me.

Blake slowly crouched down and rested his hands on either side of the armrests. I raised my gaze, and when we locked eyes, I noticed the darkness in them. They weren't even brown anymore, so I saw my reflection.

"I'm sorry I reacted that way, but I only did because we went through all of that bathroom, transport sh*t and I didn't do it all for nothing." He spoke with such ease as if he didn't want to raise his voice. "Plus, I know how important this is too, and through everything, you f*cking deserve it."

"Everyone knows you deserve this, but I am not sorry that I just did that. From the start, I knew some weird sh*t was up with that guy. If they're going on over this, then that's not the sc—"

"Blake." I cut him off when I pressed my index finger against his thin lips. His eyes slightly widened as he looked at my finger to which I removed it.

"It wasn't about that; it's about the James thing," I mumbled to which he straightened his posture and groaned. "It's understandable though if I went to Yale anyone around me could be in danger. They're just thinking about everyone's safety."

"What about yours?" he asked then pointed to nowhere in particular. "What about the security, they're outside the building you know that? What if James is cau—"

"I told him the same thing." I cut him off once again before he got too hyped. "He said they'll negotiate and contact my parents, I was still pissed and left, but that was before you crashed the party."

"F*ck." Blake cussed as he banged his fists against the elevator. How ironic that the doors opened where we saw Keene and Jaden.

"Hey, is everything okay? We heard yelling up there." Jaden said as Keene rushed in and wheeled me out.

"No, let's just go home," Blake muttered as he walked past us and toward the front doors.

"But I'm hungry," Jaden whined as he tried to catch up with Blake.

The guy behind the reception desk eyed us suspiciously yet he still dared to say, 'have a nice day' with a forced smile. As we went through the doors, I let out a sigh because I finally did the interview. However, I didn't expect the outcome to look so vague.

"There's a take-out place not too far from here," Jaden suggested yet I wasn't that hungry. I guess Mr. Kingsley just stole my appetite.

"Whatever," Blake mumbled as he took out his zippo. I waited for the cigarette, but instead, he just flicked it open and closed repeatedly. It must've been his way to ignore the need for a cigarette.

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