Chapter Thirty Two: He's Lenient Around Her

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He's Lenient Around Her


When I pushed the doors open the quick whoosh of the air conditioner came down on me, and I let out a sigh of relief because the courtroom didn't have any air conditioners, only windows. I walked out and leaned against the wall while everyone piled out. Uncle Sterling and his lawyer whispered discreetly, and I watched them the entire time until they turned the corner. 

It's only then, I noticed Lana wasn't where I left her hours ago. Before Axel, Momma and our attorney approached me, I pushed myself off the wall and walked toward the benches. There wasn't any sign of her as I slowly looked around the room. I looked up at the board where arrows indicated where to go and found WAITING ROOMS located to the left. Before I could go there, I saw a woman come out of the corner and asked her if anyone was in the room. She replied with a no to which I muttered something under my breath when she continued to walk.

"Blake, hun what's wrong?" Momma's voice echoed down the hall, and I slowly turned to her as I remembered my phone was in my pocket. While I walked back to my family, I took it out and turned it on because I put it off when we went through security checks.

"Nothing, just wondering where Lana is," I mumbled and turned to my brother who opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he looked past me. I looked over my shoulder and made immediate eye contact with Ursula Pearson whose mouth lifted.

"Err...we just need to clear a few things for tomorrow," Momma said as I turned to her and I noticed she gave Ursula one more look before she and Axel followed our lawyer into one of the other rooms. When I turned back around, Ursula stood right in front of me in a black floral blouse and dark jeans. Her smiled might've reached her eyes but they, said otherwise. I admit, yesterday we did catch up, and I did have fun, but something didn't feel right.

"Hey, Blake." Her expression suddenly changed as she pouted and wrapped her arms around me. "How'd the first day go?"

I waited until she released her grip on me to answer, "Okay."

"Looks like I am just in time, do you want to get a bite to eat or something?" she asked then jerked her head in the direction Axel and Momma went. "Your brother and mom must be starving."

"No thanks we're good, we're actually gonna' head back to the hotel but err...have you seen Lana?"

"Not today but I'm sure she's with Dmitri."

"And why would she be with Dmitri?"

"I don't know." Ursula shrugged her shoulders with a sigh. "Those two have been hanging out a lot lately."

"I've noticed," I muttered when I looked at my phone again and saw the message Dmitri sent. That was almost two hours ago so they must've been somewhere else. When I turned away from the phone, I noticed the smug look on Ursula's face as she looked up at me.

"I'll let it slide because you all must be tired on the first day but I still want to hang out with you Blake." She began to walk away but added, "We have a lot to catch up on."


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