30 Shades Of Darkness

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Hey there!

Unnie here with another Author's Note! I know, I know. You're probably thinking 'this is getting old' haha.

I'm just here to introduce yet another fan fiction. It's a V fanfic. I also had a few requests for a V story and well I decided to make this a dark fanfic since I've never done one. Filled with sorrow and despair. But no worries, I promise it gets better...I hope. Haha

About the story:

Kim Taehyung has always been a bright happy boy. How could he not be? He's got good friends and a great girl by his side. He couldn't be happier with her, they've been together throughout their whole 3 years of middle school and have made it to sophomore year, he's invited to a senior party and even though he and his girlfriend aren't drinkers they liked to have a good time. They agree to attend this party but will it be a fun time or a total disaster?

Tee hee. Sorry I can't share more than that. It would spoil the story. But hopefully the title interests you guys enough to stay tuned and read k?

Love you!


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