Directional problems

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"Left, right, right, walk straight till the next alley, turn left and arrive at your destination", Kat read from the note. It may not seem that hard, but for Kat, finding her way was nearly impossible.

She had been all dressed up in a suit trying to get this new job, and she prayed that her directional problems wouldn't make her late.

Suddenly, she heard a bunch of girls screaming in front of a building that she knew belonged to Exo Entertainment. Reflexively, Kat turned around forgetting which way she was facing. Dammit. At least she could find out what those girls were screaming about.

By the time she got to the door, though, she was already late for the job interview. Kat hoped that all this hassle was worth it. On the door, there was a sign that said Exo Ent. was looking for a job. All the girls left now though, since the panel on the door said 'door closed'

"No duh.", Kat commented, opening the door. If she wasn't going to get a job now since she was late, she might as well try for a new one.

Kat walked along a hallway and went into a big room. There was a table by the door and a mirror along the far wall. A bunch of guys, eight to be exact, were huddled by the mirror, laughing at something. A lady around her mid fifties sat at the table with a serious look on her face, and a girl on a wheelchair was beside her, playing on her phone. Upon her entrance, everyone froze and looked up.

"Um...hi", she said nervously. Nobody said anything. "I'm here for the job...?"

"The panel on the door said it was closed.", the lady said curtly.

"Yeah, it doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. Never said that the place was closed or that I couldn't open it."

Hearing this, the lady gave a faint hint of a smile. "Ok, you may audition for the job. Call me Mrs. Park."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Park."

"Could I have your resumé?"


"I'm Jayne!", the girl in the wheelchair piped up. "I'm 17 *cue some seventeen songs*. Sorry, I know, I'm really weird. But it's been forever since I've seen a girl around this place! No offence, Mrs.Park. Heheh. All these guys are also seventeen and so obnoxious, you'll get to know them later and-"

"That's enough, Jayne. Don't get your hopes up. She might not be good enough for the job.", Mrs. Park interrupted.

Jayne pouted. Kat whispered to her, "Hey, I think you're really cool. I'm seventeen too!" "Sweet!"

Mrs. Park told Kat, "For the first part of this audition, I want you to watch these boys perform and tell me what you think."

Kat nodded, then realized for the second time that she said audition. Come to think of it, she didn't even know what kind of job she was applying for.

As if on cue, the laughing boys became super serious and quickly got into their formation. They started dancing to the music.

After they danced, Kat was shook. She didn't know what to say. Snapping her out of her daze, Mrs. Park said, "What did you make of it?"
"Uh... It was the best dancing I've ever seen in my life."

Mrs. Park smiled. "Who would you say was the leader of this group?"

"Well, I already know that Exo's leader is Suho. But I guess you can tell because he was in the middle most of the time or at one of the ends."

"Anything else you would like to add?"By this time, all the members of Exo crowded around her, hanging on her every word. It attacked her nerves.

Swallowing, she replied, "I don't know much about Exo, and yes, I do live under a rock since I don't know much about a group this famous. I would guess that these four guys" gesturing at Chen, Baekhyun, Suho, and D.O, "are singers while the rest of them are either rappers or dancers. Not that those four are bad at dancing. They're great at dancing."

"What about their face?", Jayne asked, giggling.

"What? Oh, right uhhh I guess they have great expressions while dancing? Especially the guy in the blue shirt. The guy in the black shirt, jeans, and a cap is a perfect dancer but I'd say the guy in the blue t-shirt has this aura that matches the song. I'm not really sure..."

"I meant how hot they are?", Jayne asked in exasperation.

"Oh". Kat blushed a deep red. "Yes, they are very, uh, hot."

There was an awkward silence in the room, until Baekhyun said,"Thanks! I know I'm hot! My name is Baekhyun, by the way!"

"Hi, Baekhyun", she said shyly, not looking at him.

"Awww she's so cute, guys", Chen said. "I'm Chen."

If only they knew that I'm a street fighter, she thought. But now probably wasn't the best time to bring it up. After all, she was allowed to keep secrets, right?

"Before you all introduce yourselves, why not I just tell you that she's in." Mrs. Park continued, turning to Kat, "You can start tomorrow. Or actually, you can even dorm here. Here's the key to your room."

That was quick, Kat thought to herself holding the key. "What exactly will I be doing?"

"Didn't you read the sign? You'll be helping in deciding costumes, themes, helping schedule concerts, and mainly keeping company, stopping them from fighting and stuff."


Mrs. Park raised her eyebrows. "The pay is really good. $200 a day, covering your dorm and access to this entire building. Plus school fees, because after all, you're only 17 like it says here on your resumé. You'll also get holidays and everything."

"So are you in?", Baekhyun asked expectantly.

"Pleeeeeeeease!!!", Jayne begged.

"... wait what's Jayne's job? "

"Same as you. She was lonely and wanted a friend."

"Oh, ok."

"So are you in?"

"Sure! It'll be fun I guess! YOLO!"

Everyone was glad to hear that. Little did they all know how much their lives were going to change.

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