New Year's Eve (Chinese New Year)

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"Here are your orders!", Kat announced when they got back.

Lay picked up the phone and ordered twenty chickens and 10 2L bottles of pop.

"Why so many chickens, Lay?", Kai asked. "I can eat a lot but not that much."

"I thought we were gonna call over the other girls."

"Oh please not Yoon Ji", Kat groaned.

Layla rolled her eyes. "Why do you even hate her so much?"

"Why?!!! She's a bully that's what."

"You had your little revenge. Stop being a baby. It was just a joke."

Kat was speechless. Why was Layla so mean all of a sudden? On second thought, it wasn't all of a sudden. She had really gotten meaner over the past couple weeks.

"It hurt Kat. So stop, LJ.", D.O said.

That shut her up. But not before she muttered a "whatever".

The doorbell rang. The chicken was here. Suho paid and they ceremoniously laid out the chicken on the table.

The doorbell rang once again, and Lydia and Spencer appeared.

"We smelled food", they explained. They were followed by a Melody, an Alyssa, a Quinn, and a Kaitlyn!

"Hey Kaitlyn~ I'm Kat."

"Nice to meet you."

Tao's eyes widened. "Who invited Kaitlyn?", he whispered.

"I did!" Luhan smiled, unaware of Tao's worry.

"We broke up!!" Tao hissed.

"It's fine." Kaitlyn overheard. "I have a boyfriend now..."

"Who?", Kat asked.

"Tae-tae!!", she giggled. "I can't believe he likes me!!"

"THE Kim Taehyung??"


The girls launched into a conversation about BTS which made Exo a little jealous. Except for Spencer, of course. Spencer didn't really know kpop, she was just friends with Exo because D.O made good food and Luhan was good at soccer.

"Golden maknae I dibs", Melody called right away. "And Hobi!"

Suho raised his eyebrows.

"Jimin is my ultimate bias!!" Alyssa said.

Baekhyun pouted. "Is he cuter than me?"

"YES.", Lydia said savagely. "Just kidding. I think I still like you best, Luhan." Luhan sweetly gave her two whole chickens to eat all by herself.

"Tae is mineeee", Kaitlyn reminded them.

"I like Tae too! But I'll take Sugaaaaaa. Heheh I'll take some Suga with that Tae.", Quinn laughed.

"Hey! You're my girlfriend! You're supposed to like me!", Tao protested.

"Mm I choose Jin and Rapmon!!!" Kat chose.

"Who does that leave me with?", Layla complained.

"Me." Kai said boldly and back hugged her.

"Ugh no. Xiumin?" Layla requested, pushing Kai away. Kat thought that was really rude of Layla but didn't mention it. She didn't want to embarrass Kai.

"Uh no thanks." Xiumin rejected politely.

"WHY NOT?!!", Layla raged and rolled away on her wheelchair. She grabbed her jacket and left. "Nobody come after me!!" But she said this in a you-better-follow-me way.

"Drama Queen much.", Kris said under his breath. Kai didn't disagree but sighed, grabbed his jacket, and left.

"That just ruined the mood.", Chanyeol commented. "It's no fun without Kai."

"True true", they all agreed.

"Where are you going for New Year's, Kat?", Spencer asked.

"I'm going to go visit my grandparents. But I need to pretend I have a boyfriend. Who wants to be my fake boyfriend?", Kat joked. She was taken aback that everyone put up their hand. Except for the girls, of course.

"Uh. Oh wait! I have an idea. Why don't we all go to my grandparents' place?"

Everyone went on board with that idea. "Can I invite Tae?", Kaitlyn asked.


"Wait is Layla gonna come?", Chen asked.

Kat paused and thought for a while. "Ummm"

"You can tell her to go stay with Yoon Ji", Xiumin suggested.


So that was settled. They would leave Layla saying, "it's like a farm so it might not be ideal for you. There's a lot of work to do." That way, they could bring Kai along without having him feeling guilty.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room changed as everyone made arrangements to go. They let family members know that they would visit them next time, and Kat let her grandparents know that 13 guys and 7 girls would be there.

Her grandparents were elated that their beloved granddaughter had made so many friends.

Happily, everyone went their separate ways, content with the plans they had made. A furious Layla and a tired-looking Kai entered the room.

Kat escorted Layla to their room with a fake smile as Kris filled Kai in on their plans. He agreed to join them.

When Kat eventually tells Layla, she grows hysterical.


"It's only for a few days", Kai soothed.

She stormed into her room, slammed the door, and started bawling.

"I wonder why she's so emotional. It's not like she's on her you-know-what...", Kat said.

"She also hasn't been this bad over the years...", Kai mused.

"Why do you even like her?", Kris asked, exasperated. "She treats you like dirt."

Kai visibly flinched. "She used to be so nice and bright.", he muttered.

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