Planning revenge

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"WHAT?!!!", all of them screamed at once, except for Kai. He just raised his eyebrows, and checked Layla's expression. She didn't seem distressed by the news. Good.

"Chill!", Kat said. Suddenly she was starting to regret this decision.

"Why???", Baekhyun asked with a sad puppy dog face.

"Umm... I'd rather not say...."

"Cmon if you're dating someone in our group at least explain", Chanyeol reasoned.

"Ok fine! You know Yoon Ji?"


"Well she was bullying me so I thought I would pretend to date D.O to make her mad"

Exo visibly relaxed. "Oh, ok so you're not actually dating him.", Suho said, relieved.

But that wasn't good enough for Baekhyun. "How come he's the only one who gets a date? I want a date too!"

Everyone except D.O agreed. "Kat has no reason to date you guys!", D.O complained.

"Why don't you all ask Kat instead of talking on her behalf?", Layla pointed out.

They turned their heads toward Kat. "Hm... I guess I could hang out with each of you if you want, but just D.O for now. And let's not call it a date. That would make me look like a you-know-what, dating eight guys at once..."

This idea seemed to please everyone. Especially D.O. He was elated at the thought.

"Uh, so how do you want to do this?", he asked.
D.O felt super lucky that he would be able to date the prettiest girl in the world. He looked at her. She was so perfect, with glittery hazel eyes, straight nose and that priceless smile. Kat's smile could literally light up the room. Being tall, feminine, slender and healthy. Healthy was a body type hard to find these days. The term "model" suited her perfectly. Maybe even goddess. Or even-

"D.O? Are you listening to me?", Kat asked, concerned. "Your face is burning up." She touched his forehead.

"Yeah! Fine! Totally fine! Never been better!", D.O spluttered. She was way too close for comfort.

"As I was saying, if you don't mind, could you ask me out during school? This is how I planned it: I go to school looking prettier than ever-although I'll need Baekhyun's help with the eyeliner-, and I suspected that Yoon Ji's prettiness has to do with her makeup, so I'll bring makeup remover and 'accidentally' spray it on her face. She'll be totally embarrassed. Then to make matters worse, you'll ask me out."

"Sounds like a plan", he commented. "But what if she tries it on you too?"

"Yeah, I thought of that. I'll have the makeup on me kinda weird so that I'll look even better without makeup.

"...and what if her friends are against you?"

"Oh! Didn't I tell you? For the past week I've been purposely being such a teachers pet and helping everyone and stuff. Everyone loves me. I got the information that all Yoon Jo's prettiness is because of makeup from her best friend."

"That's really well thought out."

"Thanks. I tried. Now I just need some pretty clothes... XIUMIN?!!! Can you get clothes that look really pretty?"

"Do you not own some?", Xiumin asked incredulously.

"Uh, no."

"Well I obviously don't own girl clothes."

"Don't your parents own a clothing department store or something?"


"So please?"

"If you call me oppa." He smirked. "I am older than you."


"I have something that looks pretty but isn't exactly a dress. Do you really want to wear a dress to school?", Layla called.

"Uh no, I guess not. Well, I've never worn a dress before except for when I was really little."

"Ok so then wear this"

"Nah, too girly for me", Kat decided.



Kat shrugged. "Cuz you're rich?"

"Ok, I'll buy you your clothes, only if you call me oppa."

"No, hyung."

"Hyung? Really?"

"Fine!Oppa! Why do you think saying oppa is so girly? It's just what girls call older boys! Plus, technically, that's bribery."

"Whatever. It's just a fair trade. Cmon let's go."

Kai and Suho decided to take the subway to the mall. Suho obviously paid for the tickets and they barely got on. It was 6pm, the most crowded time of the day.

I hope I don't bump into him, or anyone else for that matter, Kat thought. She jinxed herself and at the next stop she felt herself falling backwards. Kat clenched her eyes shut, bracing herself. But instead of falling, strong arms held her.

"Be careful", Suho told her, making sure that she was ok. "Come here". He had Kat stand in front of him while he held the handle with his left hand and leaned Kat toward him with his right.

Kat hid her face against him so that he couldn't see her blush. She noticed that Suho smelled really good. She blushed harder. What Kat didn't know, though, was that Suho's face had also turned a dull red.

Why am I so nervous? Suho thought. She's just a girl who's using you for your money. No different from every other girl out there.

But still, he couldn't help but notice that Kat looked cute. She was also just buying clothes so that she could get revenge on the girl who had bullied her. Suho liked Kat's fierceness.

Finally, some people got off and there were seats left on the subway. Both Kat and Suho sat down. Kat was discontented because she was finally getting comfortable, leaned against his strong frame.

Kat was starting to feel drowsy, and slowly, nodded off to sleep. She kept banging her head lightly against the pole beside her.

Suho noticed this and ever so slightly tilted her head against his shoulder. Then he took of his jacket and draped it on her.

People looked at them with that "awwwww" look on their face. One grandma even came up to him and said, "you'd make a great husband for her!" Everyone on the subway agreed.

He thanked her, hoping that Kat was too asleep to hear. Soon after, it was their stop. Suho gently nudged Kat awake.

"Mm? It's our stop already?", Kat mumbled sleepily. She got off quickly, still in a daze.

Suho was about to follow suit when he saw an old man in a wheelchair. His wheel was stuck in the crack, and the door were about to close. No one seemed willing to help him. Suho grabbed the handles of the wheelchair and pushed him off.

"Thank you so much", the old man croaked.

"You're welcome", Suho grinned.

Kat watched all this with a curious expression on her face. Suho's really nice, she realized.

(I just wanted to thank everyone for reading so far, and if you have questions/comments/feedback for me or any of the characters, then please comment! Thanks!)

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