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"Where am I?" Kat wondered, rubbing her eyes. Then she stopped. Right. She wasn't supposed to rub her eyes. Her eyes were bad enough already.

"Finally realized where you are?" Yoon Ji asked sarcastically from somewhere outside.

"Uh, actually, no not really." Kat looked around and realized that she was in somewhere like a prison cell. More like a cage, though.

"You're in a lousy prison. Do you still feel like you're better than everyone?"

"I must be better than you if you're too cowardly to fight me and have to lock me up instead."

The guard reached through the bars and slapped her face and she fell hard to the ground.

"Your hand is like metal.." Kat winced. "You're not supposed to hit girls." She said with a fake high-pitched voice. The guard's expression remained stoic.

"Are you not even worried that you're going to die?" Yoon Ji asked, annoyed.

Kat smiled bitterly. "No, I believe that the boys will rescue me. JK! I'll get out on my own eventually."

Yoon Ji stared at her for a long time. Then, she smirked.

"That's what your brother said too before he died."

Kat jumped up to the edge of the cage right by Yoon Ji, scaring the living daylights out of her.

"Where. Is. My. Brother?" Kat grabbed Yoon Jo's collar, although the guard pushed Kat backwards again.

"I-I don't know." Yoon Ji smoothed out her shirt. She looked mad that she had let Kat unnerve her like that. "Don't forget that I have the upper hand here."

"I know the boys probably won't rescue me. I'm on my own. But you know what? I won't die like this."

Yoon Ji said nothing. She pointed at a body bag and the guard threw it in her cage.

Yoon Jo's face broke out into a horrific smile. "Have fun with him! It's your brother!"

Kat didn't want to let Yoon Ji know that she had gotten to her, but eventually curiosity got the best of her and she opened it, scrunching her nose. There was a decaying body inside.

"It's not my brother." Kat said, satisfied and relieved.

Yoon Ji raised her eyebrows. "You're smart, I'll give you that. But you aren't the only one here." She walked out and the guard shut the door, echos resounding the empty, colourless room. Her absence left Kat all alone with her thoughts.

Kat sunk down. She was glad that this wasn't her brother's body. To be honest, she was just bluffing. How could she know? She hadn't seen him in so long.

If it's not my brother, who is this? That thought scared her. Someone had killed this person. Looking around, Kat thankfully found no more bodies.

"It's not real." Kat turned, trying to locate the voice. Had Exo come to rescue her? But after a few minutes, she realized that it was the guard who had spoken. She carefully looked at his face for the first time.

He had beautiful aqua-teal eyes. Kat usually noticed people's eyes first, but in this case that was all she could see. The rest of his face was covered by a mask.

"Huh?" She asked, still dumbfounded by his eyes. He looked and sounded awfully familiar.

"..." the guard remained silent, not even looking at her.

After many hours of silence and no food, Kat spoke up again.

"Get me out of here" she whispered hoarsely.

The guard remained silent. Kat got up and faced him. She moved super close, then quickly removed his mask and rolled away.

She looked up, expecting to see the guard's face. He wasn't there. The guard was standing by the door.

"Chanyeol?" Kat called.

The guard looked back at her for real this time. Kat could swear that the guard was Chanyeol. The voice, the height, everything. He was probably wearing contacts.

"I'm not Chanyeol." The guard said gruffly.

"Yes, you are! Cmon, let me out."

He hesitated as if considering letting her out. Shaking himself suddenly, he walked out without a single glance back towards her.

Devastated, Kat gripped the bars of the cage and shook them. Then, she crawled over to the lock and rattled it. A paper note fell out.

"Everyone is fine and you are too. But there are more like you out there."

Kat read it over again and flipped it to the back. Nothing. Everyone is fine? Yay I guess? I'm 99% sure that the guard is Chanyeol now.

Looking up, Kat realized that there were multiple security cameras. She ripped up the note into tiny pieces and scattered them.

Now she was truly alone with nothing to do. Checking the dead body again, she was now assured that the body was fake. This was one well-made dead body.

She was almost sure that her brother was in this very building. If only she could get out, she could rescue her brothers and all the other captives too.

Kat was about to punch the wall but stopped herself. She might need her fists later. Why did I ever trust Layla? Kat regretted her decisions but couldn't do anything about them now.

Besides, Kat was convinced that Layla had troubles that she hadn't shared with Kat. What was in the past was in the past. Too late for complaining now.

She missed her brother. He had been such a sweet boy before he had disappeared. It was all her fault. Everything would end here now.

Kat had said that she was convinced that the Exo boys wouldn't rescue her, but inside, she still hoped.

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